{"id":2079,"date":"2023-12-07T17:02:28","date_gmt":"2023-12-07T17:02:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/?p=2079"},"modified":"2023-12-07T17:04:47","modified_gmt":"2023-12-07T17:04:47","slug":"can-chickens-eat-starfruit","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/can-chickens-eat-starfruit\/","title":{"rendered":"Starry Delight\ud83c\udf1f Can Chickens Enjoy the Sweetness of Starfruit \ud83d\udc14"},"content":{"rendered":"

The other day I was grabbing some grub from the farmers market and spotted a pile of starfruit just begging to be bought.<\/p>\n

Now usually I’m more of a banana or apple guy when it comes to fruit, but something about those crazy star shapes just screamed “take me home!” So I tossed a few in my basket.<\/p>\n

Little did I know the questions those starfruits would spark with my flock.<\/p>\n

Chickens can eat starfruit in moderation as an occasional treat!<\/strong><\/p>\n

But overfeeding them this exotic fruit could cause some digestive distress.<\/p>\n

As soon as I got home, dozens of darling cluckers came running (or shall I say, waddling hurriedly?) to greet me.<\/p>\n

One feisty Faye even had the guts to peck at my shopping bags! “Whoa there lady, I’ll get to your goodies in a sec,” I chuckled.<\/p>\n

But when I pulled out those starfruits, you should have seen the looks on their faces – pure confusion!<\/p>\n

I’m sure they were thinking “WTH is that weird star thing?!?” Curiosity getting the best of them, a few brave birds gave the fruit a taste.<\/p>\n

And to my surprise, they gobbled it up!<\/p>\n


Table of Contents<\/p>\n