{"id":2090,"date":"2023-12-07T19:28:56","date_gmt":"2023-12-07T19:28:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/?p=2090"},"modified":"2023-12-07T19:28:56","modified_gmt":"2023-12-07T19:28:56","slug":"can-chickens-eat-star-jasmine","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/can-chickens-eat-star-jasmine\/","title":{"rendered":"\ud83c\udf31\ud83d\udc13Can Chickens Really Eat Star Jasmine?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The other evening while relaxin’ in the backyard and sippin’ on a cold one, I noticed ol’ Bessie rootin’ around in the flowers and thought nothing of it at first.<\/p>\n

But then I saw her pullin’ off petals and nibblin’ away at the green leaves of my star jasmine plants that had started creeping along the fence line.<\/p>\n

Now this got little ol’ me wonderin’, because star jasmine wasn’t somethin’ I had ever considered feedin’ to the girls before.<\/p>\n

Was Bessie just bein’ her usual curious self or could star jasmine actually be safe and beneficial for chickens to eat? I had to find out for sure!<\/p>\n

When I initially started researchin’ whether chickens could safely eat star jasmine, everywhere I looked said it was non-toxic to birds.<\/p>\n

However, I wanted more specifics on whether it provided any real nutrition or if it was just an empty calorie snack.<\/p>\n

That’s when I decided the best way to get accurate info was to experiment with my own flock.<\/p>\n

After breaking off some branches covered in blooms and throwin’ them in the run, it was clear my girls definitely enjoyed peckin’ at the pretty star jasmine flowers and foliage.<\/strong><\/p>\n

They seemed to like the subtle sweet taste.<\/p>\n

While star jasmine won’t hurt chickens if eaten sparingly, it’s far from the most nourishing plant either.<\/p>\n

The next day when feedin’ time rolled around, I paid close attention to see if any girls went straight for the store-bought feed or continued pickin’ at remaining star jasmine leftovers.<\/p>\n

Most ran for the layer pellets, showin’ those provided more complete nutrition their bodies Craved.<\/p>\n


Table of Contents<\/p>\n