{"id":3156,"date":"2024-01-08T23:37:58","date_gmt":"2024-01-08T23:37:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/?p=3156"},"modified":"2024-01-08T23:37:58","modified_gmt":"2024-01-08T23:37:58","slug":"can-chickens-eat-artichoke-leaves","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/can-chickens-eat-artichoke-leaves\/","title":{"rendered":"Can Chickens Eat Artichoke Leaves?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Let me tell you about the time last summer when I tried feeding my chickens some leftover artichoke leaves from dinner.<\/p>\n

I love artichokes and was snacking on some a few nights ago while sitting on the back porch watching the sunset.<\/p>\n

When I finished eating, I had a big pile of leaves left over on my plate and figured my chickens would go crazy over them.<\/p>\n

Artichokes can be kind of pricey, so I hate to waste any part of them.<\/p>\n

I gathered up all the leftover leaves and brought them out to the coop as the ladies were settling in for the night.<\/p>\n

As I scattered the leaves out in the run, the chickens flocked over curiously.<\/p>\n

At first, they seemed hesitant about this new green food I was offering and cautiously pecked at the leaves.<\/p>\n

My golden comet<\/a> hen Olive was the bravest and took the first big bite.<\/p>\n

But she quickly gave me side-eye and turned up her beak at the taste.<\/p>\n

The Rhode Island Reds<\/a> were a bit more eager and snapped up a few leaves.<\/p>\n

But after watching them for a few minutes, it was clear they weren’t too interested in this treat.<\/p>\n

Most of the flock wandered away leaving the artichoke leaves scattered in the dirt.<\/p>\n

The next day I did some research to figure out why the chickens hated the leaves so much.<\/p>\n

Turns out chickens can eat small amounts of artichoke leaves<\/a>, but they aren’t their favorite snack.<\/p>\n

The leaves contain cynarin, a compound that makes everything taste sweet afterwards.<\/p>\n

So it probably made their feed and water taste weird for a little while – no wonder they weren’t into it!<\/p>\n

The answer is yes, <\/strong>chickens can eat artichoke leaves<\/a>, but they probably won’t be begging for more anytime soon.<\/p>\n

Best to stick with tastier treats like watermelon, kale, spinach, and cherry tomatoes<\/strong> that my flock goes crazy for!<\/p>\n


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