{"id":444,"date":"2023-11-12T13:25:29","date_gmt":"2023-11-12T13:25:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/?p=444"},"modified":"2023-11-12T13:25:29","modified_gmt":"2023-11-12T13:25:29","slug":"why-chickens-attack-their-sick-coop-mates-the-dark-secrets","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/chickenrise.com\/why-chickens-attack-their-sick-coop-mates-the-dark-secrets\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Chickens Attack Their Sick Coop Mates? The Dark Secrets"},"content":{"rendered":"

Let me tell you a funny story that taught me a lot about why chickens attack sick chickens.<\/p>\n

When I was a kid growing up on my family’s small farm, we had a flock of about 50 chickens.<\/p>\n

One day, I noticed one of the hens wasn’t looking so hot – her feathers were all ruffled and she was moving slowly.<\/p>\n

Being the curious kid I was, I went into the coop to check on her. As soon as I picked her up, all hell broke loose!<\/p>\n

The other chickens immediately swarmed and started viciously pecking at the sick hen I was holding<\/a>.<\/p>\n

No matter how much I tried to protect her, they were relentless.<\/p>\n

After that chaotic experience, I learned that when a chicken is weak or sick, the rest of the flock will often attack it – sometimes even killing it<\/a>.<\/p>\n

The healthy chickens seem to recognize vulnerability and go into survival mode, attacking the perceived threat to the rest of the flock.<\/p>\n

It’s a brutal example of social Darwinism – the strong against the weak, for the good of the group.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Turns out chickens aren’t the compassionate, nurturing types when illness is involved!<\/strong><\/p>\n



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