I still remember the day I brought home my first guinea pig.
His name was Oreo and he was the cutest little furball I’d ever seen.
I just knew me and Oreo would be best buds for life.
But after a few weeks, I noticed Oreo seemed bored and lonely while I was away at school.
I started thinking about getting him a friend.
But guinea pigs can be picky about cagemates, so I wondered – could I house Oreo with my chickens instead?
I already had three chickens – Henrietta, Egberta, and Drumstick.
They had a large coop to themselves in the backyard.
Was it possible to integrate my solitary guinea pig in with the flock?
Let’s discuss!
Space Considerations for Housing Chickens and Guinea Pigs
Chickens require lots of space to roam and forage.
Guinea pigs need room to run around too.
Can they peacefully coexist in a joint housing situation?
Generally, it’s best to provide separate accommodations.
Chickens do well in a large, fenced run.
Guinea pigs should have their own roomy cage or hutch.
But you can safely allow them supervised playtime together in a pen or chicken run.
My chickens have a pretty sweet setup – a 10×20 foot coop and an attached 20×40 foot outdoor run.
Inside, they have nest boxes for laying and roosts for sleeping.
Outside, they scratch around in the dirt looking for bugs and take dust baths.
For Oreo, I got one of those multi-level rabbit hutches that are like guinea pig condos!
It has ramps between floors so he can run around and play.
I figured between their separate living quarters and the big run, they’d have plenty of personal space.
Social Factors – Will They Get Along?
Chickens have a reputation for aggressiveness.
But guinea pigs can be territorial too.
Proper introductions are key to prevent bullying across species lines.
Start by letting them sniff each other through a wire barrier.
Watch closely for signs of deference vs. dominance.
Once everyone seems calm, let them mingle briefly under your watchful eye.
Having lots of space and hideaways helps reduce territorial disputes.
Provide houses, tunnels, and perches so everyone feels secure.
The first time Oreo met the chickens, I held him in my lap while letting the hens peck around our feet.
He seemed nervous at first but soon got more comfortable around them.
I made sure to give Oreo extra treats and attention so he knew he was still my number one buddy.
The chickens were more interested in foraging than paying attention to the guinea pig.
After a few supervised visits, they got used to each other and I saw no more squabbles.
Nutrition – Can They Share Food and Water?
Chickens are natural foragers who enjoy treats like worms, vegetables, and grain.
Guinea pigs need a diet centered on hay, supplemented with vitamin C-rich veggies and pellets.
There’s enough overlap that they can safely share produce.
Scatter it around to prevent squabbles.
But offer species-specific feeds in separate areas.
Provide multiple heavy bowls of fresh water.
Change often to keep clean.
Consider automatic waterers for hands-off hydration.
I like to fill up cabbage leaf “bowls” with the guinea pig’s favorite treats – kale, carrots, peppers and such.
Then I scatter some cracked corn, mealworms and store-bought flock pellets in different areas of the run for the chickens.
The chickens mostly stick to their areas and Oreo knows where to find his own special snacks.
I use heavy crocks secured in place for water.
No one can tip them over and mess up the whole run.
I change and refill them twice a day.
It’s a good system that’s working out well.
Health Considerations
It’s important to monitor for illness when housing different species together.
Chickens and guinea pigs carry different parasites and bacteria.
Don’t let them come into contact with each other’s waste.
Scoop poop daily.
Disinfect housing weekly.
Watch for signs of respiratory infection which can spread between birds and rodents.
Isolate any animal exhibiting symptoms.
To keep my mixed flock healthy, I am vigilant about sanitation.
Their coop and hutch are spot-cleaned daily – no stinky messes allowed!
Once a week everything gets disinfected – scrubbed with soap and water and then sprayed with diluted bleach.
This kills germs and parasites to keep everyone healthy.
I also watch closely for any sniffles, sneezing or lethargy that could signal illness.
So far though my chickens and guinea pig have stayed nice and healthy.
With vigilance and common sense, housing chickens and guinea pigs together can successfully enrich their lives!
The key things to remember are: provide ample space, introduce slowly, offer multiple food and water sources, and maintain cleanliness.
Predator Protection
Chickens and guinea pigs can fall prey to predators like dogs, coyotes, hawks and raccoons.
Secure housing is a must to keep them safe.
Use sturdy hardware cloth on any outdoor runs or enclosures.
Bury fencing 6-12 inches underground to thwart digging predators.
Ensure coops and hutches can be locked up tight at night.
Consider motion-activated lights and alarms to deter prowlers.
Don’t allow pets like dogs unsupervised access.
Train dogs early to respect the chickens and guinea pigs as family members.
Supervise children and teach gentle handling.
Raccoons are a tricky threat – they’re smart and persistent.
I use welded wire everywhere and added a motion-activated sprinkler to my run.
It surprises any masked bandits trying to climb the fence at night!
I also bring my small flock into a fully enclosed shed after dark.
Safety first for my feathered and furry friends!
Ideal Climate Conditions
Chickens and guinea pigs have different preferences when it comes to temperature.
Chickens thrive in cooler weather but need ventilation and shade when it’s hot.
Guinea pigs don’t tolerate temperature extremes well – they are happiest around 65-75 degrees F.
Provide places for your pigs to warm up or cool down as needed.
Add extra bedding and hideouts during cold months.
Ensure their hutch is shaded and offer ceramic tiles as cool zones in summer.
Moving their hutch indoors or into the garage during extreme cold or heat is an option too.
Adding a fan or space heater to the coop can help regulate the temperature for chickens.
Make sure the coop has areas for chickens to nestle into deep litter for warmth.
Providing multiple climate zones lets both species find their comfort zone.
Enrichment and Exercise
Both chickens and guinea pigs benefit from enrichment activities and exercise.
Rotate new toys into their environments weekly to ward off boredom.
Offer treat puzzles and hanging cabbages for mental stimulation.
Provide branches, tunnels, boxes and pipes for hiding and climbing in.
Scatter treats in different places to encourage foraging behavior.
Let them take turns exploring a secure outdoor space.
Add a sandbox for dust baths and digging fun.
Rotate pasture areas so they always have new terrain to investigate.
Supervise play time for safety and bonding.
A stimulating environment keeps chickens and guinea pigs happy and healthy!
Handling and Taming
Interacting with your chickens and guinea pigs daily tames and socializes them.
Chickens learn to associate you with treats and will look forward to lap time.
Guinea pigs require frequent gentle handling from a young age.
Let them get used to your touch and being picked up.
Carry them against your chest supporting their feet and bottom.
Speak softly and stroke their head and back while holding.
Hand feeding special tidbits helps them bond with you.
Well-socialized birds and pigs will be friendly, calm companions.
Signs of Stress
Watch for signals that your chickens or guinea pigs are becoming stressed.
Chickens may start pecking each other, stop laying eggs or show changes in appetite.
Guinea pigs can suffer fur loss, lethargy, or aggression when unhappy.
Try to identify the cause of stress and remedy it.
Reduce crowding, mediate conflicts, add enrichment or adjust feeding schedules.
Separate any bully animals until the problem is resolved.
A calming supplement added to water can help in the short term.
If stress symptoms persist, consult an experienced poultry or guinea pig keeper.
Vet Care and Health Management
Find an exotic vet knowledgeable in caring for chickens and guinea pigs.
Schedule annual wellness checks for each species.
Discuss nutrition, parasite prevention, claw trimming and other care.
Have the vet show you how to trim overgrown beaks and nails.
Learn the signs of common ailments to watch for.
Keep basic medications on hand, like antibiotics, antifungals and probiotics.
Quarantine any new additions for a few weeks before introducing them.
Isolate any animal showing signs of illness right away.
Staying proactive keeps your flock healthy and thriving!