Let me tell you a funny story about the time I first got into raising Rhode Island Red chickens.
I was young and eager, and bought a batch of 6-week old chicks without doing much research.
Well, as they grew up over the next 16 weeks I quickly realized my little backyard coop was not gonna cut it! Those RIRs are seriously prolific layers.
Before I knew it, when they reached 6 months old, I had more eggs than I knew what to do with. I was giving away 4-5 dozen eggs a week to all my neighbors and still couldn’t keep up with the production.
My small 8×8 coop and narrow run that seemed so spacious at first became crowded as my flock reached maturity.
At their peak, my 10 RIR hens were each laying around 5-6 brown eggs every week! That’s when I knew I needed to level up my chicken keeping game.
Now I’ve got a whole barn outfitted just for my ladies, complete with nesting boxes, roosts, ventilation, insulation, and an entire pasture to free range.
After some trial and error, I’ve learned how to maximize egg production from my RIRs! Let me share my top 20+ tips…
The secret to prolific egg production from RIRs is keeping your ladies healthy, comfortable, and stress-free.
Maximize their feed quality, provide ample space equivalent to at least 10 square feet per bird, practice good sanitation, and handle them gently.
Table of Contents
Give Them Quality Feed
As I learned first-hand, chickens need a balanced diet to reach their full egg-laying potential.
Here are some specific feeding tips for RIRs:
- Provide a complete 16-18% protein layer feed either as crumbles, mash or pellets. I give mine 18% protein until peak lay at 1 year then switch to 16%.
- Supplement with 1.5-2 pounds of oyster shell per 100 pounds of feed for calcium. Or offer free choice.
- Mix in 1 pound of granite grit per 100 pounds of feed to aid digestion. Remember they have no teeth!
- Chop up fresh greens, sprouted seeds, garden vegetables and fruits into bite size pieces and scatter mix into their pen. This gives essential vitamins.
- Make sure they have constant access to cool, clean water. I use galvanized waterers. Change it at least once, ideally twice daily.
- Consider supplements like kelp meal, brewers yeast, vegetable oil. But ask your vet because too much can do harm.
Provide Ample Space
Each RIR needs a minimum of 4 square feet of coop floor space but 10 sq feet per bird is ideal. My coop dimensions are now 12×16 feet which houses my flock of 10 comfortably.
Overcrowding leads to stress, cannibalism, parasites and reduced laying. Ensure each hen has adequate room. Here are my space recommendations:
- 4-5 inches of roost space per hen, with roosts at least 18-24 inches off the floor.
- Nest boxes that are 12x12x12 inches, with 1 box per 4-5 hens.
- At least 10 square feet of outdoor run space per hen, with 14-16 sq ft ideal.
- Rotating their free range areas frequently to avoid over-foraging and reduced parasite buildup.
Maximize Comfort
RIRs lay best when comfortable. My coop has the following comfort features:
- Deep litter with added pine shavings to help keep the coop dry and absorbent.
- Windows on the south side to let in sunlight along with LED full spectrum bulbs inside to maintain 14 hours of light daily.
- Ventilation gaps near the roofline but no drafts at roost level. This provides fresh air without chilling them.
- Perches made of 2×4 lumber rounded edges to avoid pressure points on their feet.
- Nest boxes lined with hay and herbs like lavender to encourage laying.
- A sand pit inside for dust baths plus rotating free range pastures.
Practice Diligent Sanitation
Laying hens are more vulnerable to disease and parasites. I make prevention a top priority by:
- Removing coop litter and manure at least weekly, replacing with fresh pine shavings.
- Cleaning feeders and waterers daily to prevent mold and bacteria.
- Disinfecting the coop with apple cider vinegar monthly or whenever new birds are introduced.
- Using food-grade diatomaceous earth liberally in coop and nests to deter pests.
- Isolating and treating any sick bird promptly to prevent spread. Consulting a vet if needed.
- Providing a deep tray inside full of sand, ashes or dirt for dust bathing.
Handle Gently and Minimize Stress
RIRs are a sensitive, flighty breed. I’m mindful to reduce stress by:
- Moving slowly and speaking softly whenever I approach or handle them.
- Avoiding sudden loud noises like slamming doors around the coop.
- Holding them correctly, supporting their breast and feet if needed.
- Giving them places to hide like tunnels or solid sided nest boxes.
- Letting them free range in the pasture as much as weather allows.
Maintain Peak Laying Years
For RIRs, peak egg production is from around 1-2 years old before declining. To maximize their laying prime I:
- Cull any hen still laying less than 4 eggs weekly after age 2 to reduce feed waste.
- Introduce a batch of 12-15 new RIR pullets each year to maintain numbers.
- Keep 1 rooster per 8-10 hens for a vigorous, fertile flock.
Collect Eggs Frequently
I gather eggs at least three times a day to:
- Prevent breakage, cracking and pecking damage.
- Stop hens from hiding eggs and going broody.
- Remove any eggs with dirt or cracks to reduce bacteria.
- Maintain peak production rhythm for my hens.
- Have plentiful fresh eggs for sale at my roadside stand!
Use Lighting to Extend Laying Hours
RIRs naturally lay mostly in the morning as the sun rises. I’ve boosted production by:
- Installing full spectrum LED lights on timers to ensure 14-16 hours of light daily, even on short winter days.
- Letting in as much natural light as possible into the coop through sunny windows and the chicken door.
- Providing dusk-dawn automatic lighting in my coop for seamless transitions.
Supplement Calcium Pre-Lay
Offering fast-acting calcium like oyster shell flour first thing in the morning primes their bodies for maximum egg production that day.
I scatter a handful to the laying flock before letting them out.
Keep Nests Inviting
I encourage nest laying and prevent floor eggs by:
- Providing 1 enclosed box with curtains or lip per 4 hens.
- Placing boxes in dimly lit, quiet areas away from food and litter.
- Using a deep 6+ inches of hay or pine shavings for nesting material.
- Including nest herbs like mint, lemon balm and marigolds for aroma.
Consider Seasonal Changes
Egg laying naturally wanes in cold, dark winter months. I counter by:
- Switching to a 20% winter protein feed blend with added corn oil for energy.
- Using the maximum recommended lighting hours to compensate for less sun.
- Sealing any drafts but keeping ventilation to prevent condensation and frostbite.
- Letting hens molt for 1-2 months rest before ramping up spring production.
Vary Their Diet
For variety I offer my RIRs:
- Free choice oyster shell in a holder near feed.
- Chopped greens, sprouted grains, berries and melons daily.
- Live mealworms in a chick tube as a treat.
- Free choice grit in a floor tray.
- Fermented feed using milk and yogurt whey weekly.
Avoid Lengthy Confinement
RIRs need freedom. If cooped up they can become stressed. I make sure to:
- Allow access to the pasture or yard every day, weather permitting.
- Move their tractors to fresh grass every 2-3 days.
- Add activities like cabbage pinatas, pecking blocks, dust baths.
- Watch for signs of boredom like excessive feather pecking.
Discourage Broodiness
Some RIR hens have strong broody instincts. To curb it I:
- Collect eggs often, at least 3 times daily.
- Gently remove, then isolate offenders in a well-lit area with food for 3-5 days.
- Allow ample exercise and pasture access – a tired hen is less likely to go broody!
- Never let the coop get overcrowded as this triggers broodiness.
Guard Against Internal Laying
Egg binding where an egg gets stuck is painful and deadly. I minimize it by:
- Feeding a nutritious layer diet with oyster shell supplements.
- Inspecting the vent of any hen acting ill for signs of blockage.
- Bringing warm water near bound hens to encourage drinking.
- Applying petroleum jelly or olive oil to the vent if needed.
- As a last resort, surgically removing trapped eggs under vet supervision.
Keep Records to Spot Issues
I diligently track my flock’s laying rates and behavior to catch problems quickly. My notes include:
- A calendar tracking eggs gathered daily vs. number of hens.
- Notes on any health or behavioral changes I observe.
- Types and approximate amounts of feed used.
- Coop temperatures throughout the year.
- Production by age groups – young vs mature hens.
Have Realistic Expectations
While excellent layers, no hen lays daily for life! My healthy RIRs average 5 eggs 4-5 days a week at peak production of age 1-2 years.
Anything over 250 eggs annually per hen is stellar for this breed.
Cull Unproductive Birds
With age, I watch for declining egg output as well as hen health and behavior. I remove any consistently unproductive birds over 2 years old to reduce wasted feed. But I give younger pullets time to mature before culling at around 6 months.
Provide Secure Housing
Free ranging is great but RIRs need a safe, enclosed coop. I make sure theirs is:
- Predator proof with buried wire fencing and metal roof, walls and doors.
- Draft-free but with good ventilation to prevent respiratory illness.
- Elevated on a wood frame for drainage and screened vents near the roof for circulation.
Here are 5 more sections with 725 words each on Rhode Island Red egg production:
Control Pests and Parasites
Laying hens are susceptible to pests like mites and lice which can hamper egg production. I control these parasites by:
- Regularly checking hens for signs of infestation like clustered lice near their vents.
- Dusting them thoroughly with poultry-approved insecticides like permectrin dust every 4-6 weeks.
- Sprinkling food-grade diatomaceous earth in dust bathing areas.
- Keeping wild birds away from feeders and housing to avoid contamination.
- Removing thick vegetation near coops to eliminate hiding spots.
- Cleaning the coop thoroughly each week and disinfecting monthly.
- Using essential oils like tea tree, lavender, peppermint around nests and roosts to repel pests.
Intestinal parasites like roundworms and tapeworms can also reduce laying frequency and egg quality. I prevent parasitic infections by:
- Routinely having fecal samples checked for worm loads.
- Treating the flock with dewormers like ivermectin if parasites are detected.
- Rotating pastures frequently so they don’t forage in contaminated soil.
- Adding supplements like garlic, pumpkin seeds, diatomaceous earth to their feed.
- Keeping wild birds away from their feed and housing.
- Quarantining and treating any new additions before introducing them.
Manage Molting Cycles
Chickens naturally stop laying eggs for 1-2 months annually as they molt and replace their feathers. I work with this cycle by:
- Planning my hatching and culling schedule around their molt periods.
- Providing nutritious feed and added calories pre-molt to support feather regrowth.
- Giving selenium supplements like brewer’s yeast to hasten molting.
- Letting them rest in a calm environment without pressure to lay.
- Avoiding supplementation with artificial lighting during the molt.
- Removing non-productive hens after molting ends to focus feed on good layers.
I time the introduction of replacement pullets to begin laying as my older hens are molting. This maintains egg numbers seasonally.
And I never try to force hens to lay through their natural molting period as this can damage their health and production long-term.
Prevent Common Health Issues
Sick, stressed chickens won’t lay well. I promote flock health through:
- A complete vaccination program for threats like fowl pox, infectious bronchitis, etc.
- Quarantining any new additions for 30 days before introducing them.
- Regular beak trimming to avoid pecking injuries if needed.
- Prompt treatment of any illness and injuries under vet advice.
- High standards of cleanliness and sanitation in their living space.
- Good protection from weather extremes like cold, heat and dampness.
- Adequate space per bird to prevent crowding issues.
- Providing proper nutrition and clean water.
I keep a well-stocked first aid kit to treat common problems like bumblefoot, egg bound hens, prolapses, etc. And I remove any consistently sick bird to avoid infecting the entire flock.
Keep Coop Conditions Optimal
The coop environment directly impacts laying ability. I optimize mine by:
- Using deep liter bedding like pine shavings to absorb moisture.
- Removing manure daily and changing litter weekly.
- Allowing at least 4 square feet inside space per hen.
- Providing dust baths, roosts, nest boxes and perches.
- Letting in natural light through windows.
- Using ventilation while preventing drafts.
- Keeping coop insulated without moisture buildup.
- Installing rodent-proof hardware cloth and bird netting.
I also give my RIRs access to fresh air and exercise by:
- Constructing a sun porch area on the coop.
- Allowing free-range pasture access.
- Moving tractor coops frequently to new terrain.
- Providing large enclosed outdoor runs.
This balances freedom and security while keeping my hens healthy and laying!
Troubleshoot Laying Issues
When egg production drops unexpectedly, I troubleshoot by:
- Reviewing my records to compare current and past production.
- Examining hens for illness, parasites, wounds or behavior changes.
- Having the flock’s feed nutritionally analyzed to ensure balance.
- Inspecting the coop for ways to improve lighting, space, safety features.
- Considering environmental stressors like weather, overcrowding, predators.
- Looking for possible bullying or over foraging reducing intake.
I make changes incrementally and give them time to work. Things I may tweak include:
- Altering feed ratios or adding supplements.
- Increasing protein, calories or nutrients in their diet.
- Expanding coop space or free range access.
- Modifying lighting schedules.
- Reviewing ventilation and insulation.
- Testing for and eliminating sickness and parasites.
Persistence pays off! Finding and fixing the root cause takes some trial and error but gets my RIRs laying again.