
Eggstraordinary Battle: Buff Orpington vs Isa Brown



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I’ve been raising chickens on my little homestead for a few years now, and let me tell you, not all chickens are created equal.

When it comes to dual-purpose breeds that can produce both meat and eggs, two of the most popular options are Buff Orpingtons and Isa Browns.

Now I know some of you may be wondering – what’s the difference between these two fabulous feathered ladies? And which one is better for your flock?

Well friends, that’s what I’m here to break down for you today!

The short answer is that Buff Orpingtons are big, fluffy, and laidback.

They make great pets and produce a decent amount of eggs. Isa Browns are skinny little workhorses bred specifically for maximum egg production.

When I first started gathering my flock, I’ll admit I was drawn to the Orpingtons.

I mean, just look at that plush, golden feathering!

They look like feathered pillows waddling around the yard.

Plus, being such a large, chilled out breed, they make great pets too.

I’ve hand raised Orpingtons from chicks and they are just as snuggly and calm as can be.

My niece loves going out to the coop and having the Buffs hop right into her lap for a cuddle.

Egg Production

Now don’t get me wrong, the Buffs lay a good amount of eggs – around 4-5 a week usually. But that’s nothing compared to Isa Browns.

Buff Orpington vs Isa Brown

These gals are pumping out 5-6 eggs a day at their peak! Isa Browns have been selectively bred for generations to maximize their egg laying capabilities.

The result is a high-strung chicken that converts feed to eggs more efficiently than just about any other breed.

An Isa Brown hen at the height of her laying potential can crank out over 300 eggs a year.

That’s more than double what a Buff Orpington can produce! I added a trio of Isa Browns to my flock last year, and they quickly surpassed my other hens for daily egg production.

Within a few weeks, I was gathering 5-6 large brown eggs from those three birds every single morning.

At times I was getting so overwhelmed with eggs that I had to start giving them away to friends and family! So if you want to maximize your egg harvest and don’t mind flighty chickens, Isa Browns are top performers.

Meat Production

When it comes to meat production, the Orpingtons have a clear advantage.

As a large, dual purpose breed, Buff Orpingtons can grow up to 10 pounds! That’s a lot more meat than the slight Isa Browns that top out around 5 pounds.

Buff Orpington vs Isa Brown

I raised a few Buff roosters last season specifically for meat. With their broad chests and thick thighs, the Buff Orps dressed out much heavier than other standard breeds I’ve butchered, like my Rhode Island Reds.

The extra heft means more meat for the dinner table. An average Buff Orpington rooster can supply a family with a hearty meal, while an Isa Brown alone would leave you hungry.

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The rich yellow fat and skin of the Buff Orpingtons also lends itself well to flavorful dishes. If you want plump chickens to raise in tractors for meat harvesting, Buff Orpingtons are the clear choice.


In general, Buff Orpingtons are known to be super friendly, docile birds. Their fluffy feathers and rounded bodies just give off a cuddly vibe, you know? And they love human interaction.

Whenever I enter the coop, my Buff Orps are always the first to run up and see what treats I might have brought them.


They’ll happily sit on my lap to get their heads stroked for hours. Buff Orpingtons were bred to be calm dual purpose birds, making them ideal backyard chickens.

Isa Browns, on the other hand, tend to be more skittish and flighty.

As high-production hybrids, they put more energy into laying eggs than bonding with humans. Anytime I need to catch one of my Isa Browns, it’s a chase around the coop to round them up.

They don’t have any interest in being handled or pet. So if you’re looking for chickens with pet potential, Buff Orpingtons are the clear winner!

Climate Tolerance

One area where Isa Browns excel is climate tolerance. As a hybrid breed, they are hardy birds that can tolerate both hot and humid summers as well as bitter winters.

Their small combs also make them less prone to frost damage. My Isa Browns continue laying straight through winter, seemingly unfazed by the cold and snow.

Buff Orpingtons, on the other hand, have a tougher time dealing with temperature extremes. Their plush plumage causes them to overheat easily in summer. I have to take extra care to keep my Buffs cool and comfortable when the temperatures climb above 85 degrees.

And while their fluffy feathers keep them toasty in winter, their large combs are prone to frostbite. If you live in areas with dramatic seasonal shifts in climate, the resilient Isa Browns handle it better overall than Buffs.

Feeding and Housing

When it comes to feed and housing needs, Buff Orpingtons require a bit more than Isa Browns.

Those big ol’ Buffs can really pack away the grub! Their large size and dual purpose breeding means they need a high protein feed to reach their full growth and egg laying potential.

I go through about 1.5 pounds of feed per Buff bird each week. Isa Browns, on the other hand, don’t require nearly as much feed.

They seem to thrive on just about any diet and convert what they eat into eggs efficiently. An Isa Brown only needs about 1 pound of feed weekly. As far as housing, Buff Orpingtons need more space due to their large, fluffy size.

I allow at least 4 square feet of coop space per Buff Orpington. Isa Browns are tiny enough that they can get by with standard minimum space recommendations of 2 square feet.

So if you need to maximize output from limited resources, Isa Browns are the more economical choice when it comes to feed and housing requirements.

Predator Avoidance

When it comes to predator avoidance, Isa Browns tend to be more skittish and flighty, which can be an advantage.

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Their nervous energy makes them quick to sound alarm calls and take flight at signs of danger. Just the other day a hawk was circling overhead, and my Isa Browns were the first to retreat to the safety of the coop while sounding out shrill warning calls.

This evasive behavior can help reduce losses to aerial predators. Buff Orpingtons, on the other hand, are super laid back and slower to react.

Last summer I had a fox get into the run and grab one of my Buff hens that was nonchalantly wandering about instead of seeking shelter.

The trusting, calm temperament that makes Buff Orpingtons great pets can work against them when predators are present. If flock safety is a major concern in your area, the hypervigilant Isa Browns have an edge.

Noise Level

When comparing noise levels, Isa Browns tend to be louder and more vocal birds. All day long my Isa hens are squawking and carrying on in the coop.

They make their presence known! Buff Orpingtons have a much more mellow personality, resulting in less clucking and vocalizations.

They emit low, soothing murmurs rather than the loud cackling of Isa Browns. Last year I added a small flock of Isa Browns for increased egg production, but soon found myself longing for the peaceful, quieter presence of my Buff Orps.

The racket was giving me a headache! So if you prefer a tranquil flock, go with the chilled out Buff Orpingtons. But don’t expect the energetic Isa Browns to pipe down!


When it comes to appearance, Buff Orpingtons win hands down in my book. Their plush, rounded bodies covered in golden feathering are just gorgeous.

They look like fluffy cotton balls tottering around the yard! Those deep amber eyes perfectly match their rich buff-colored plumage. Isa Browns have a rather plain, skinny appearance with their small stature and sleek brown feathers.

They blend into the coop scenery rather than standing out. If you want ornamental chickens that catch the eye, Buff Orpingtons are a beautiful addition to any backyard flock. The incredible fluff and colors of the Buffs put the Isa Browns’ basic brown feathers to shame.


Broodiness is another area where the breeds differ significantly. Buff Orpingtons tend to have strong natural mothering instincts.

It’s not uncommon for Buff hens to go broody and diligently sit on a nest of eggs in an effort to hatch some chicks. This broody tendency is thanks to their heritage as a dual purpose breed. Isa Browns, on the other hand, have had the urge to go broody completely bred out of them.

You’ll never see an Isa Brown hunkered down in the nest for weeks on end! While the broodiness of the Buff Orps can be good for a sustainable flock model, it also reduces their overall egg production.

The hyper-focus on cranking out eggs in Isa Browns means you don’t have to worry about hens going broody. So if you want to avoid broody hens and missed egg production, go with the Isa Browns.

Foraging Ability

When allowed to free-range, Buff Orpingtons tend to be more active foragers than Isa Browns. Their large size and vigorous appetite lends itself well to scavenging and grazing.

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My Buffs will spend hours happily hunting down bugs in the grass or searching through leaf litter for morsels. Their big beaks are adept at cracking into fallen nuts or seeds. Isa Browns aren’t nearly as skilled when it comes to utilizing forage.

They prefer hanging around the feed trough to venturing out to supplement their diet. So if you want chickens that can help reduce feed costs by utilizing free-range forage efficiently, the Buff Orps are your top pick. Just don’t expect those lazy Isa Browns to do much foraging!

Buff Orpington vs Isa Brown: Which Chicken is Right for Your Flock?

Buff Orpington Isa Brown
Egg production 4-5 eggs per week 5-6 eggs per day at peak
Egg color Light brown Brown
Meat production Good – up to 10 lbs Poor – around 5 lbs
Temperament Friendly, docile Flighty, nervous
Climate tolerance Cold hardy but heat sensitive Excellent tolerance for heat and cold
Feed consumption Around 1.5 lbs per bird weekly Around 1 lb per bird weekly
Coop space needed At least 4 sq ft per bird 2 sq ft per bird
Predator avoidance Poor – slow to react Good – fast, flighty
Noise level Low – quiet, calm High – loud, vocal
Appearance Beautiful, plush plumage Plain brown feathers
Broodiness Frequently broody Rarely broody
Foraging ability Skilled, active foragers Prefer hang around feed trough
Comb size Large – prone to frost damage Small – cold hardy
Cost $$ $
Origin England Hybrid – mixed breeds
Recognized variety Only Buff color Brown or black
Egg laying lifespan 2-3 years 1-2 years
Rooster temperament Docile Aggressive
Broodiness Common Rare
Mature weight Hen: 8-10 lbs
Rooster: 10-12 lbs
Hen: 4-5 lbs
Rooster: 6-7 lbs
Cold tolerance Good – hardy and fluffy Great – very cold hardy
Heat tolerance Poor – prone to heat stress Good – handles heat well
Best coop type Well-ventilated with lots of space Basic enclosed coop

The Buff & the Brown: A Poultry Face-Off Verdict

At the end of the day, when choosing between Buff Orpingtons and Isa Browns, it really comes down to your needs as a chicken keeper.

Want a friendly pet that lays a decent amount of eggs? Go with the Buffs! Their calm personality and fluffy cuddliness can’t be beat.

Need an economical egg laying machine? Isa Browns are your gals. They’ll pump out eggs at record levels with minimal input from you. For me, I’ve enjoyed keeping both in my flock for a good balance.

The cuddly Buff Orpingtons put a smile on my face while interacting with them while the Isa Browns keep my egg cartons full!

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Get Crackin’ on Your Own Egg Empire

Do you crave the rich golden yolks and thick whites that only come from the freshest eggs?

After nearly a decade running my own egg empire and mastering the art of keeping chickens, I’ve stuffed all my insider secrets into the aptly named “How to Raise Chickens for Eggs”.

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Get Crackin’ on Your Own Egg Empire

Do you crave the rich golden yolks and thick whites that only come from the freshest eggs?

Dream of a waddling flock of feathered friends in your own backyard?

Then stop dreaming and start hatching a plan, people!

This ain’t no chicken game. After nearly a decade running my own egg empire and mastering the art of keeping chickens, I’ve stuffed all my insider secrets into the aptly named “How to Raise Chickens for Eggs”.

I’m talking building a palace of a coop guaranteed to impress the neighbors, concocting feed for peak egg production, collecting eggs so perfect you’ll weep tears of joy – plus hilarious stories and accidental mishaps along the way.

So get cluckin’ and grab the key to creating your own morning egg paradise before I sell out!