
I Fed My Chickens Their Own Liver – Ain’t Gonna Believe What Happened!



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It was one of those picture perfect spring mornings here on the farm.

The sun was shinin’ bright and warm through the new green leaves, a gentle breeze was rustlin’ through the trees, and all the critters were just singing their little hearts out.

I even spotted a family of deer wanderin’ through the back pasture as I loaded up the wheelbarrow with feed.

Now usually my mornings are pretty peaceful. I’ll start by refillin’ all the waterers, then haul a batch of scratch grain mixed with some chicken feed out to the coop.

The ladies come runnin’ up expectin’ their breakfast, all fluffing their feathers and cluckin’ eagerly. I’ll do a head count and check for any new eggs while they’re busy peckin’ around.

But on this particular mornin’, little did I know the madness that was about to unfold! See, earlier in the week we butchered a batch of older hens that were past their layin’ prime.

As usual, I bagged up the livers, hearts and gizzards to toss in the freezer for future fishin’ bait or to feed to the dogs.

Didn’t cross my mind that those chicken organs would soon be causin’ chaos in the coop!

The Great Liver Rebellion Begins


While the ladies were chowin’ down on their scratch, I remembered that liver package stash in the deep freeze. Thought it might make a nice little protein-rich supplement to their regular feed. Boy was I ever wrong!

I dug out a bag of the frozen livers and rummaged around outside for some kindling to thaw it out a bit first. Once they were just startin’ to defrost around the edges, I tossed a big handful right into the center of the dust bathin’ area. And holy motherclucker – you woulda thought a pack of rabid coyotes just broke into the coop!

These usually calm and collect chickens exploded into a giant flurry of feathers, squawks and beaks. They were kickin’ up clouds of dust from the dirt as they scrambled and ripped into each other to get at that liver. Their eyes were practically glowin’ red with a frenzy the likes of which I’d never seen before!

Even ol’ Bessie, the biggest Buff Orpington hen who usually plays referee, was gettin’ in on the action. She was shoulderin’ the scrawny little bantam Into a pile of roosting bars like she was linebacker for the Cowboys. I tell ya, it was absolute anarchy!

Liver Madness Takes Over the Coop


Within seconds, that whole bag of livers was reduced to a pile of bloody feathers and squished up chunks. But the chaos was just gettin’ started. The chickens werent settlin’ back into their usual rhythm of dust baths and pecking – oh no, they was on the hunt for more!

I watched in disbelief as they started tearin’ apart the entire coop. Hens were flippin’ over the waterer, shakin’ out piles of wood shavings we use for bedding. A few even attempted to climb the walls and root around the rafters like they thought there might be hidden livers up there. It was like a scene out of a zombie movie!

Their beady little eyes had taken on a crazed, far-off look like they was possessed by the spirit of liver lust or somethin’. These girls had completely lost their marbles. Even the sweet little Production Reds who are usually so timid and polite were gettin’ in on the fuss, peckin’ viciously at each others tails and wings in the chaos.

It was at that point I knew I’d seriously screwed up by feedin’ them their own kind’s innards. These chickens had officially gone off the deep end!

Restoring the Peace (and My Sanity)


I stood there stunned for a good few minutes just tryin’ to process the anarchy unfolding before my eyes. When I finally snapped out of it, I knew I had to act fast to avoid a full on feathered murder-fest.

Figurin’ more liver would only make the madness worse, I grabbed a handful of scratch grain and heaved it as far across the yard as I could. Most of the chickens came runnin’ after it like the hounds of hell were nippin’ at their tail feathers. While they was distracted, I made a beeline for the coop.

With a bale of fresh straw in one hand and broom in the other, I went to work restore order. I swept up leftover liver chunks, tossed down fresh bedding everywhere and gave the waterers a thorough scrubbin’ down with bleach water just in case. Within an hour the mayhem had mostly subsided as the ladies settled in to preen themselves and rest after the ordeal.

Whew boy, what a mornin’! I think we all learned an important lesson about not messin’ too much with mother nature. From that day on, I stuck to scratch, chicken feed and the occasional mealworm as treats. No need to be temptin’ fate or liver-induced hysteria again!

Can Chickens Eat Chicken Liver? Takeaway

While chickens can definitely eat things like chicken liver in moderation as a supplement, feedin’ them their own species is askin’ for trouble. These girls clearly didn’t know how to process havin’ chicken on the menu!

I’ll be the first to admit, curiosity got the best of me that day. But after witnessing the catastrophic results,

I’ll be keepin’ all chicken by-products far away from the coop from now on. Ain’t no sense in rilein’ em up and riskin’ life, limb or feathers just for the sake of some extra protein.

Selecting the Best Feed

Providin’ the right feed is so important to keep your ladies healthy and happy. For the basics, you’ll want a complete commercial chicken feed that provides all the nutrients they need. Look for ones from reputable brands that specify being formulated for “laying hens.”

You can also augment their diet with some tasty additions. I like to mix in a scoop of organic scratch grains for some variety. My girls go wild for ingredients like milo, cracked corn, wheat and oats. Just be sure not to overdo the extras or you’ll cut into their essential nutrition.

Fresh greens also make a great snack. Shredded romaine, kale, dandelion or spinach leaves add vitamins and fiber. I throw a handful in the coop a few times a week. And don’t discount the value of good calciums – crushed oyster shells or egg shells help replenish what they lay down daily.

Keeping Your Coop Clean As a Whistle

A clean coop is a happy, healthy coop. I do a full scrub down about once a month, which usually involves bleach water, elbow grease and lots of straw. But I spot clean areas daily like raking out poop piles and swapping out dirty bedding.

It’s also important to disinfect feeders and waterers weekly. Bacteria and germs thrive in damp environments, so I scrub them down with a diluted bleach solution. Rinse thoroughly before refilling. And don’t forget those roosting bars – wipe them down regularly to prevent the buildup of mites and lice.

Egg-cellent Egg Collection Tips

My favorite little Silkies can lay up to five eggs each week, so staying on top of collection keeps the coop from getting too stinky. I place nesting boxes on the cleaner side of the coop and line them with fresh bedding changed twice a week.

Gloved hands work well for gathering eggs, checking for any cracks. But some folks swear by collection baskets or aprons to keep their hands cleaner. I like using cartons marked with the date laid right away to keep eggs freshest for eating or selling.

What to Do With All Those Eggs!

With a couple dozen hens, you’ll have no shortage of delicious fresh eggs to enjoy. I love scrambling them for breakfast with sautéed spinach and crispy bacon. Quiches and frittatas are great for batch cooking too.

Baking is where eggs really shine – everything from cornbread to banana bread and cookies are elevated with that retro binding and moisture. Hard boiling a couple dozen keeps on hand for easy snacking or egg salad sandwiches too.

If you wind up with a surplus, consider trading neighbors for veggies or other goods. You can also offer extras at a small profit at local farmers markets. Just be sure they’re clean, labeled and kept chilled until sale.

Spotting and Solving Common Health Problems

Overall chickens are pretty resilient, but it’s good to keep an eye out for potential pitfalls. Runny droppings can mean worms, so dewormer in their water twice yearly does the trick. And watch for feather loss or lethargy, as that may point to mites that need treatment.

Lice can also plague chickens at times. A white powdery substance near vent areas means time for a lice powder application. Isolate any sick bird showing signs of respiratory illness like sneezing right away too to prevent spread.

Probiotics in their water weekly help support digestive health naturally. And keeping stress low means happy, productive chickens! With some TLC, those lovely ladies will keep on laying for years.

Common Breeds for Backyard Flocks

There are so many wonderful chicken breeds to choose from when starting your flock. For egg layers, you can’t go wrong with productive breeds like Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex Links or Americaunas.

But some folks love the character of fancy breeds too. Beautiful Easter Eggers come in unique genetic colors and lay pastel eggs. Or you could add lively Silkies, with their fluffy feathers and docile personalities. Runners like Cornish or Sussex are larger dual purpose breeds.

No matter which you select, be sure to handle them gently from a young age. Some breeds flock together well while others can be territorial. Research traits and needs to pick the perfect fit for your family!

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Get Crackin’ on Your Own Egg Empire

Do you crave the rich golden yolks and thick whites that only come from the freshest eggs?

After nearly a decade running my own egg empire and mastering the art of keeping chickens, I’ve stuffed all my insider secrets into the aptly named “How to Raise Chickens for Eggs”.

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Get Crackin’ on Your Own Egg Empire

Do you crave the rich golden yolks and thick whites that only come from the freshest eggs?

Dream of a waddling flock of feathered friends in your own backyard?

Then stop dreaming and start hatching a plan, people!

This ain’t no chicken game. After nearly a decade running my own egg empire and mastering the art of keeping chickens, I’ve stuffed all my insider secrets into the aptly named “How to Raise Chickens for Eggs”.

I’m talking building a palace of a coop guaranteed to impress the neighbors, concocting feed for peak egg production, collecting eggs so perfect you’ll weep tears of joy – plus hilarious stories and accidental mishaps along the way.

So get cluckin’ and grab the key to creating your own morning egg paradise before I sell out!