Well butter my biscuits, let me tell you about the time my favorite hen Betsy Mae gobbled up a pile of grapefruit peels from the compost. I couldn’t believe what that crazy chicken was thinking!
You see, citrus fruits like grapefruits have essential oils and acids in the peels that can really irritate a chicken’s crop and digestive tract.
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Grapefruits Have Essential Oils and Acids That Are Too Harsh for Chickens
Grapefruit peels contain an oil called limonene, which gives them that nice fresh citrusy aroma.
But limonene and other compounds found in citrus peels can be pretty darn harsh on a chicken’s sensitive crop and gut.
Grapefruits also have high amounts of citric acid, which is what makes them so dadgum tart and tangy.
While chickens can eat small pieces of citrus fruit as an occasional treat, too much citric acid from grapefruit peels can really upset their digestive system.
See, chickens don’t have teeth to chew up foods like us people do.
They swallow their food whole, which gets stored in their crop, then passes through the digestive tract.
All those acids and oils in grapefruit peels can irritate the lining of a chicken’s crop and GI tract, especially if they eat a whole bunch of peels.
Eating Grapefruit Peels Can Cause Problems for Chickens
Feeding grapefruit peels to chickens regularly can cause some real issues, like:
Upset stomachs
Painful irritation in their crop and intestines
Nausea and loss of appetite
Diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration
Now imagine having a tummy bug and the runs for days – not fun!
Grapefruit peels are also tough to digest, since chickens don’t have grinding molars like us.
The stringy peel fibers can get stuck in a chicken’s crop or intestinal tract, causing a dangerous impaction.
I once saw a neighbor’s chicken who ate a lemon peel whole. Poor gal was completely blocked up and swollen! We had to rush her to the vet clinic for emergency surgery to remove the stuck peel.
Small Amounts of Grapefruit Peels Might Be Okay
While grapefruit peels are not the ideal snack for chickens, the occasional tiny piece mixed into their feed is probably fine.
But I would not let your flock munch on grapefruit peels free choice.
A tiny taste here and there satisfies their curiosity without upsetting their stomachs.
My chickens get excited over new foods, so I always keep an eye on them when offering test treats.
If one starts gulping down grapefruit peels, I shoo them away and distract with a better alternative.
Healthier, Chicken-Safe Treat Options
If you want to provide your flock with a nutritious citrusy treat, try these instead of grapefruit peels:
Chopped up orange segments
Melon cubes – chickens go cuckoo for watermelon!
Berries – raspberries and chopped strawberries are fun colorful treats
Meal worms – a great source of protein for chickens
Oatmeal – most chickens love pecking at plain oats
Chopped greens like kale or spinach give them healthy vitamins
Squash and pumpkin cubes provide nutrition without the harsh peel
Avoiding grapefruit peels and sticking to poultry-safe foods will keep your feathered friends healthy and happy!
Trust me, I learned the hard way after Betsy Mae’s grapefruit peel escapade. She had nasty diarrhea for nearly a week! Now I’m extra careful about locking up the compost bin.
So take it from this farm girl, save the grapefruit peels for your morning smoothie and give your chickens healthier treats. Their tummies will thank you!
Watch for Signs of an Upset Crop
If a chicken gobbles down too many grapefruit peels, watch for signs of crop problems.
The crop is a pouch at the base of a chicken’s neck that stores food before sending it to the gizzard.
Eating grapefruit peel can irritate the crop lining, making it swollen and inflamed.
Signs of an irritated crop include: reluctance to eat, standing hunched with a swollen neck, gagging, or slow crop emptying.
To soothe their crop, remove treats and offer electrolytes, yogurt, or smooth mashed feed.
If the crop isn’t emptying, gently massage it to help contents dislodge.
Seek vet care if the crop stays full and the chicken seems ill.
Prevention is key – limit peels to avoid a troubled crop.
Grapefruit Peels in Garden Fertilizer
While grapefruit peels cause tummy trouble for chickens, they make excellent fertilizer for the garden!
The peels are high in nutrients chickens can’t use well, like calcium, potassium, and Vitamin C.
But these nutrients are great for enriching garden soil and boosting plant growth.
Save peels in a compost bin to create nutrient-rich compost for the garden.
Bury crushed peels around plants or till into garden beds.
You can also boil peels to make a citrus peel “tea” that provides a vitamin boost when poured on plants.
Just be sure to keep compost bins locked so curious chickens don’t have access.
Use grapefruit peels to grow a bountiful garden – just keep them away from your flock!
Try Grapefruit Juice in Small Amounts
While grapefruit peel is not recommended, small amounts of grapefruit juice are okay for chickens.
The flesh of the grapefruit has less concentrated citric acid than the peel.
A few tablespoons of juice mixed into water can give chickens a trace of vitamin C and fruity flavor.
But avoid offering straight grapefruit juice, which has too much sugary citric acid.
Also don’t let multiple chickens drink from a shared grapefruit juice bowl.
Fruit juice is high in calories, so offer just a splash diluted in water.
Monitor for signs of digestive upset and discontinue use if issues arise.
A tiny treat of diluted juice provides a tangy kick chickens enjoy!
Offer Insoluble Grit for Digestion
Chickens don’t have teeth and swallow food whole.
They need insoluble grit in their gizzards to grind and digest feeds.
Grit helps break down rough grapefruit peels if a chicken eats some.
Offer a grit supplement with granite stones for adequate digestion.
Free-range chickens will naturally ingest small rocks and pebbles.
But chickens confined indoors need an extra grit source like insoluble granite grit feed.
Proper grit keeps gizzards working well if a chicken sneaks a grapefruit peel.
Just try to limit their peel intake and provide an alternative insoluble grit source.
Prevent Boredom Chewing with Enrichment
Chickens may nibble on grapefruit peels if bored or lacking enrichment.
Consider providing boredom-busting activities to discourage unwanted chewing.
Scatter scratch grains in straw to encourage natural foraging.
Hang leafy greens like kale or lettuce for pecking and pulling.
Add chicken-safe wood blocks, branches, or twigs to peck at.
Rotate novel items like pinecones, marbles, or clean feathers into their pen.
Set up obstacles like ramps or ladders to climb on.
Boredom chewing is reduced when chickens have enriching toys and activities.
Entertainment and exercise prevents destructive behaviors like eating peels.