Now I know what you’re thinking – who cares if chickens can eat old carrots?
Well let me tell you, as someone who has raised Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons, and Barred Rocks for over 5 years now, this is an important question!
See, a while back I had harvested a bunch of Scarlet Nantes and Purple Haze carrots from my garden.
I put them in the fridge and promptly forgot about them for a few weeks.
When I finally unearthed them from the back of the crisper, they were looking a little shriveled and sad with some brown spots.
My first thought was to toss them out, but then I wondered – could I feed these to my chickens? I didn’t want to waste food if I could help it.
So I did what any curious chicken owner would do – I brought those wrinkly carrots out to the coop and offered them up.
And let me tell you, those chickens gobbled them right up!
Ginger, my playful Rhode Island Red, went crazy stomping her feet and flapping her wings when she saw the carrots.
Within a minute there was nothing left but nubs and leafy tops as the chickens devoured them.
I was amazed at how enthusiastically they devoured carrots that I thought were destined for the compost bin.
Clearly my chickens had given me the answer – old carrots aren’t waste at all.
They make for a delicious treat! I couldn’t help but laugh as Henrietta, my plump Orpington, shouldered the other hens out of the way to get at the carrots.
It was such a comical sight to see the normally docile Henrietta aggressively guarding her portion. The chickens were clucking up a storm, clearly communicating their excitement.
So now I know, whenever I have carrots past their prime, I can feed them to my feathered friends.
It’s a win-win situation – less food waste for me, and a yummy snack for my chickens! Ole wrinkly carrots have become one of their favorite treats to scratch for and peck at.
I like to scatter small pieces in their run so they get some exercise hunting the carrots down.
Why Chickens Love Old Carrots
As a chicken keeper for over 5 years, I’ve noticed my flock absolutely relishes “ugly” veggies – you know, the ones that have seen better days.
So why do chickens go bonkers for limp, wrinkly carrots versus fresh from the garden ones? Here are a few reasons:
- The natural sugars have condensed, making the carrots extra sweet and flavorful. I’ve noticed the chickens will prefer softer, older carrots to crunchy fresh ones.
- The carrots have softened, making them easier for chickens to digest. This is especially true for my older hens who don’t have the digestive strength of the youngsters.
- Chickens don’t care what produce looks like – they just want yummy treats! My hens will trample each other chasing a brown spotted carrot just as eagerly as a picture perfect one.
So while those aging carrots may not be pretty enough for your dinner plate, chickens could not care less! As long as it tastes good, they’re all about it.
I’ve even seen my rooster Charles gulp down carrots covered in fuzzy mold without a second thought. Their standards are much lower than us humans!
One funny story – I accidentally dropped a 5 pound bag of old baby carrots from the farmers market in a mud puddle in the run.
Those carrots were absolutely filthy, covered in wet leaves, twigs, and mud.
But did my chickens care? Nope! They flocked to the carrots immediately, scratching them out of the muck and downing them with relish. So don’t worry if your “ugly” carrots get a little dirty. Chickens are not picky eaters in the least!
The Nutritional Benefits
Not only do chickens love munching on old carrots, but they provide some great nutritional value too.
Here’s what’s in those wrinkly orange roots that’s good for chickens:
- Beta carotene – an antioxidant that supports immune health. My chickens always get a little pep in their step after feasting on carrot treats.
- Vitamin A – important for growth, egg production, and eye health. I notice my hens lay more consistently when carrots are part of their diet.
- Fiber – promotes healthy digestion, which is crucial for chickens. Carrots help prevent issues like diarrhea or constipation.
- Minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron – for strong bones, nerves, muscles, and oxygen flow. My rooster’s bright red comb tells me he’s getting enough iron!
So by feeding your flock shriveled up carrots, you’re providing natural sources of important nutrients, especially beta carotene. It’s a healthier treat than cracked corn or table scraps! The vitamin A keeps their eyesight sharp, fiber prevents digestive issues, and minerals result in strong eggshells.
I also love that I don’t have to buy expensive supplements or vitamin powders. I can get chickens the nutrients they need just by cleaning out my fridge and feeding them ugly veggies! It saves me money while reducing food waste.
How to Feed Old Carrots to Chickens
Alright, let’s get down to the nitty gritty – how can you safely and easily feed old carrots to your backyard chickens?
Here are my tips:
- Chop or shred the carrots into smaller 1/2 inch pieces. Whole carrots can be a choking hazard, especially for younger chickens and bantams.
- Toss the carrot pieces into the run so the chickens can scratch and peck at them. This gives them exercise and mimics their natural foraging behavior.
- You can also hang larger carrot pieces from the coop ceiling or an outdoor run. The chickens will have fun jumping up to reach the swinging carrots.
- Feed carrots in moderation along with their regular feed. Too many can cause loose droppings. I limit carrots to 1-2 treats per chicken daily.
- Make sure chickens have access to insoluble grit to help grind up carrot fiber in their gizzards.
- Remove any uneaten carrots at the end of the day so they don’t rot and attract pests.
- Wash carrots thoroughly if they show any mold growth. Moldy veggies can make chickens very sick.
And that’s all there is to it! It doesn’t take much prep, and your chickens will be über grateful for the castoff carrots. It keeps them entertained and provides some nutritional variety in their diets. Just be sure to introduce new treats slowly and watch for signs of digestive upset.
Some Final Thoughts
Who would have thought those shriveled carrots taking up space in my fridge could make my chickens so happy? This experience taught me not to waste old veggies and fruit – check with your backyard chickens first before throwing them out!
Can You Feed Cooked Old Carrots to Chickens?
While raw carrots make a great snack, chickens can also eat cooked carrots that have passed their prime. When carrots are cooked, it softens the vegetable and makes nutrients like beta-carotene more bioavailable for absorption. The key is cooking the carrots properly.
Boiling or steaming are best to avoid nutrients leaching out. I like to steam a big batch of carrots, beets, sweet potatoes etc and store them in the fridge for up to a week. Whenever I’m cleaning out old veggies, I’ll steam them for the chickens.
Avoid cooking methods like frying, seasoning, or adding salt, as this can be unhealthy for chickens. Stick to plain cooked carrots without anything added.
Cooked carrots should be cut into small pieces after cooking to prevent choking. Allow carrots to cool fully before feeding out. Warm carrots can harbor bacteria.
Moderation is key when feeding cooked carrots, as they lack the fiber of raw carrots. Too many can lead to loose stools. Limit cooked carrot treats to 2-3 times a week.
The high water content in cooked carrots can help chickens stay hydrated. This is especially helpful in summer’s heat. I like to mix cooked chopped carrots into their fermented feed on hot days.
Just monitor closely that the cooked carrots don’t rot or grow mold in the feed. Remove any leftovers within a few hours.
Overall, cooked carrots retain most of their nutritional value to chickens. The extra bioavailability actually makes the nutrients more digestible to your flock. So feel free to safely feed those cooked leftover carrots to your chickens!
Can You Feed Carrot Tops to Chickens?
Instead of composting carrot tops, consider feeding them to your flock! Chickens love fresh greens, and carrot tops provide nutrients like:
- Vitamin K for blood health
- Calcium, potassium, and phosphorus for bones/eggshells
- Beta-carotene like the carrots themselves
- Small amounts of protein
The feathery leaves are also a good source of bioflavonoids. These help chickens absorb vitamin C more efficiently.
Carrot tops are safe for chickens in moderation, but introduce them slowly. Too much too fast can cause diarrhea, as they contain oxalic acid.
Chop the leafy tops into smaller pieces so chickens don’t choke. The smaller pieces also discourage selective feeding where bossy hens hog all the tops!
Hang a bunch of carrot tops in the run so the chickens have to jump and peck at them. This gives them exercise and satisfies their foraging instinct.
If the tops are damaged or wilted, check closely for signs of rotting. Discard any tops that are slimy or foul smelling.
Carrot tops can be given fresh or dried. Collect tops and dry them out in a dehydrator or oven on low heat. Crumble the dried tops over feed to add variety.
Just feed carrot tops in conjunction with other leafy greens, not as the sole green in their diet. Rotate with things like kale, Swiss chard, grass clippings etc.
So save those carrot tops before pitching your old carrots! Chickens relish all parts of the carrot plant. The leafy greens provide a nutritious, cost-free snack!
Best Chicken Breeds for Carrots
Certain chicken breeds go bonkers for carrots more than others. Here are some top carrot-loving breeds in my experience:
- Rhode Island Red – This active breed will scratch deep in the run looking for every last morsel. They relish carrot hunting and exercise!
- Jersey Giant – With their large beaks, these chickens can make short work of large whole carrots.
- Cochins – The fluffy Cochins use their strong legs to launch up and grab hanging carrots.
- Orpingtons – Food motivated and eager eaters, Orpingtons with devour carrots with gusto.
- Marans – These gentle foragers will slowly peck at carrot pieces scattered in their run.
Breeds that are active, eager eaters, and good foragers tend to relish carrots the most. The excitement of hunting down the orange treats brings out their natural behaviors!
Highly active breeds like Rhode Island Reds and Cochins get the most enrichment from chasing carrots. The Jersey Giant’s huge beak helps it demolish a whole carrot.
You certainly don’t have to stick to these breeds to feed carrots. But in my experience, they do go a little nuttier for carrots than some others!
Are Carrot Leaves Toxic to Chickens?
This is a common question, as carrot leaves and tops contain a compound called falcarinol that is toxic to some animals. However, several studies have shown that falcarinol does not appear to be toxic to chickens.
Researchers in one study fed laying hens carrot tops containing high levels of falcarinol. The hens showed no ill effects, even after consuming the tops for 6 weeks straight.
The findings suggest chickens can safely eat carrot tops without risk of poisoning. Carrot foliage does not contain enough falcarinol to harm chickens when fed in moderation.
That being said, abruptly introducing large quantities of tops could still cause digestive upset. Start with small amounts and slowly increase the portion.
Watch for signs of illness like lethargy, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. Discontinue feeding the tops if any chicken shows adverse effects.
It appears the benefits of providing leafy greens outweigh the low toxicity risks. Just feed the tops responsibly, and they make a healthy, low-cost supplement to a chicken’s diet.
Can Chickens Eat Carrot Scraps From Juicing?
Juicing carrots leaves behind dry pulp and shredded fiber. Instead of dumping it, feed juicing scraps to chickens for a nutritious treat!
The pulp is full of healthy fiber, beta carotene, vitamins, and minerals. Chickens will happily pick through the shreds for juicy bits.
Dried pulp may be easier for chickens to digest than wet. To dry, spread pulp on a baking sheet and dehydrate at 200 F for 2 hours.
For wet pulp, mix some chick grit into it to help absorb moisture and make it easier to digest.
Consider drying used pulp and grinding it up to add to feed. This adds beneficial fiber and nutrients without wasting anything.
Do not feed pulp with any added juices, sweeteners, or produce not safe for chickens. Stick to just carrot scraps.
Wash all equipment used to collect pulp thoroughly to avoid mold contamination.
Carrot pulp is a healthy, natural way to add variety to your flock’s diet. Chickens get more nutrients, and you don’t have any juicing waste! Talk about a win-win.