I was out back in the run tossing the girls their evening scraps like usual – a little corn, some veggie scraps, leftover pasta – the works.
But something seemed off! Usually they swarm whatever I throw in there faster than flies on roadkill.
But this time, they were turning their beaks up at the good stuff!
Now I’ve had these girls for awhile, so I know their habits pretty well.
Usually if they ain’t eating, something ain’t right.
That’s when I noticed my big ole Buff Orpington, Henrietta, pecking away at something in the corner.
When I went over to check on her, I about had myself a heart attack – it was a whole star anise pod!
Now you city folks might not know what star anise is, but let me tell ya – it’s one of them fancy Chinese spices you see in the grocery store.
Real aromatic and tasty, but definitely not chicken food! I stood there scratching my head trying to figure out how in tarnation a spice pod ended up in the coop.
Those sneaky birds must’ve found it when I was making soup stock the other day.
So How Did a Star Anise End Up in the Coop?
Alright, so here’s what really went down.
A few nights before I was feeling under the weather and decided to whip up a pot of chicken noodle soup to feel better.
Now usually I just toss the leftover carcasses, veggie scraps, etc.
out back for the girls after I strain the broth.
But this time I had used some whole star anise pods too for extra flavor.
Well wouldn’t you know, after draining the broth I must have missed a pod or two at the bottom of the trash can.
The next morning when I took the trash out to the yard waste bins, it was blowin’ something fierce.
I can only assume the wind kicked up and scattered some pods around where the chickens free range during the day.
Those smart birds must have smelled the spice on the wind and tracked it down!
To this day I still wonder just how far Henrietta and the girls ranging party had to search to find that lone star anise pod hidden in the tall grass.
They may be country chickens now but those city girls have still got some decent investigative skills, lemme tell ya.
Is Star Anise Actually Good For Chickens?
Alright, so by now you’re probably thinking – what kind of nutcase lets his chickens eat spices? Well believe it or not, after doing some research I found out star anise is actually pretty darn healthy for chickens to consume in moderation.
See, star anise is packed full of important minerals for a chicken’s diet like calcium, magnesium, iron and copper.
All those minerals play key roles in bone strength, muscle function and overall health.
It’s also high in antioxidants that support the immune system, which as any farmer knows is half the battle with livestock.
On top of that, the essential oils in star anise have been shown to improve digestion and gut health in poultry.
We all remember from biology that a bird’s gastrointestinal system works real fast to process food efficiently.
Anything that keeps their βcrop and tubesβ healthy is a welcome addition to the diet.
The antioxidants and minerals alone make it a nutritious supplement.
But the digestion benefits are what really seal the deal on making it a tasty treat my girls can benefit from every once in a while.
Tips For Feeding Your Flock Star Anise
Alright y’all, now that we know chickens can happily chow down on some star anise, here are a few pointers if you wanna try it with your own flock:
- Always crush up the whole pods real fine or remove the seeds before feeding. You don’t want little Becky the Brahma choking on a big ole pod!
- Go slow when first adding it to their diet.Toss a pinch in with their regular feed and increase gradually over a few weeks.Not everything agrees with every bird’s gut.
- Store any leftovers in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.The essential oils that make it tasty also make it prone to going bad quicker than other treats.
- As with anything new, keep a close eye on your girls when they’re eating to ensure no one starts acting funny.And make sure to remove any uneaten bits after a half hour.
How to Grow Your Own Star Anise
Since my girls enjoy star anise so much, I figured I’d give raising some trees a try right here on the farm.
Most folks don’t realize star anise actually comes from an evergreen tree that can reach 15-30 feet tall in the right conditions.
I started doing some research and found you can find star anise seeds or young saplings online or at local nurseries come springtime.
For my first attempt, I decided to start a few plants from seed so I’d get the full growing experience.
In early March I planted about 10 seeds in 4″ pots with a peat-based potting mix and kept them inside under grow lights.
Within a couple weeks the tiny seeds had sprouted with their first tiny leaves appearing.
By late May when nights stayed above 50, I was ready to transplant my six strongest seedlings to their permanent homes in the yard.
I chose a spot under my peach trees that gets morning sun but afternoon shade like the trees prefer.
The soil is a loam mix with compost added which should provide good drainage yet hold moisture well.
Now it’s just a waiting game – my research said the trees may take 3-5 years to reach maturity and full production potential.
But I’m looking forward to one day being able to harvest my own ripe star anise fruits straight from the yard to share with the chickens!
Growing my own will surely cut down on costs versus store bought pods long term.
And I can experiment cooking with any extra harvest to really get my money’s worth from these unique trees.
How Chickens Digest Star Anise
To better understand how chickens can handle eating star anise, it helps to know a bit about their digestive system.
Unlike humans who have a complicated multi-chamber stomach, chickens have a very simple gut designed for rapid food breakdown.
The first stop is the crop, a thin-walled pouch above the chest that acts as a collection and softening station.
Food is then squeezed a bit at a time into the proventriculus, a small glandular stomach that secretes acid and digestive enzymes.
This powerful cocktail works to further break down feed into a semi-liquid state perfect for the next stage.
From there it enters the gizzard, a thick-walled muscular stomach about the size of my fist.
The gizzard is what really gets the grinding work done – its contractions can pulverize feed with 700psi of pressure!
This is critical for busting apart tough plant fibers and even cracking open star anise pods during the 2 hour digestion cycle.
By the time feed emerges from the gizzard it’s been pulped into a liquid that easily soaks into the small intestine for nutrient uptake.
The rest is expelled through the vent as manure to fertilize their pasture home.
So in summary – their simple gut and physical grinding process in the gizzard is well-suited to handle star anise and derive benefits from its nutrients.
Comparing Star Anise to Other Treats
Like people, chickens also enjoy an occasional tasty snack to break up their regular feed routine.
Some common store-bought treats folks offer are millet, cracked corn, sunflower seeds and dried fruits like cranberries or blueberries.
While these provide a boost of sugars or fats, they aren’t as nutritious overall as a whole food like star anise.
For example, a quarter cup of millet or corn is around 100 calories but with little protein or vitamins to offer.
And seeds and some dried fruits can cause weight gain or digestive upset if fed too regularly.
Star anise on the other hand packs a much bigger micronutrient punch that benefits their whole body functions.
Just a few pods provide important minerals, fiber and antioxidants well beyond a snack’s empty calories.
It also has a long shelf life when stored properly versus fruits that often mold.
So while an occasional small handful of millet is fine, substituting some for star anise makes their “treat” time much more nutritious.
Common Questions About Feeding Star Anise
Ever since I first started offering star anise to my flock a few years ago, I often get questions from other chicken owners curious to try it.
One of the big concerns folks have is whether long term consumption could potentially cause harm.
It’s true that in large amounts, some essential oils like anise can be toxic to liver function over many months.
However, chickens don’t process nutrients the same way as humans and only eat small amounts casually as a snack.
As long as it remains an infrequent treat instead of a daily staple, the benefits seem to far outweigh any risks.
Another frequent question is how much to include per bird in their regular feed.
Experts suggest starting with 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per 3-5 birds and gradually increasing the portions over 4-6 weeks.
It’s also smart to watch their behavior closely for signs of pickiness, diarrhea or lethargy as a gauge of individual tolerance levels.
Proper dosing and cautious increases are key to ensuring happy, healthy flocks enjoying this fun new snack safely long term.