I’ll never forget the time my buddy Joey convinced me to let his chickens try some medjool dates.
We were hanging out, eating some tasty medjool dates fresh from the farmer’s market, when Joey got this crazy idea.
He said to me, “Tanner, let’s give some of these sweet juicy medjool dates to my chickens and see if they like them!”
I thought he was nuts, but went along with it anyway cause I was curious too.
We headed out to the chicken coop and offered them a few sticky dates right from our palms.
At first, the chickens seemed totally confused and ignored them.
But after a minute, one brave hen named Betty hopped up, gently grabbed a date right from Joey’s hand and gobbled it down!
We couldn’t believe it.
Before we knew it, all twelve chickens were gobbling up the dates, going totally crazy for their sweet taste!
It was hilarious to watch as they swarmed our hands for more.
Betty even started trying to jump up and grab dates straight from our mouths!
Yes, Chickens Can Eat Medjool Dates in Moderation
So to get back to the question – yes, chickens can definitely eat medjool dates!
Turns out they love the sweet, sticky taste just like we do.
Medjool dates are a healthy, natural treat for chickens in moderation.
Just don’t overdo it, as too many can cause digestive issues.
But a date here and there is totally fine.
I like to give my girls 2-3 dates each, 2 times per week max.
This small serving gives them a taste of the yummy fruit without risking tummy troubles.
I hold the dates in my hand and let each hen gently pick them off one by one.
It’s so cute to watch them nibble the sweet date flesh off the pits.
They get so excited when they see me coming with dates in hand!
Dates Provide Nutrition Like Fiber and Vitamins
Medjool dates can be a nutritious snack for chickens.
Dates contain dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and vitamins.
The fiber helps with digestion, keeping things moving smoothly through the GI tract.
Potassium supports nerve function and bone health.
Magnesium aids in enzyme production and immune function.
Copper helps with anemia prevention and feather pigmentation.
Manganese is great for bone development and egg production.
The vitamins further boost immunity to keep the flock healthy.
Pretty impressive for a naturally sweet, delicious fruit!
When I give my girls a few dates each week, I know I’m providing valuable nutrients in a treat they absolutely love.
Watch Out for Too Much Sugar
Now dates are sweet for a reason – they are loaded with natural sugar.
The high sugar content is what makes dates taste so good!
But it also means dates are high in calories and carbs.
So you can’t let chickens eat unlimited dates.
Too much can spike blood sugar levels, leading to weight gain and other issues.
Moderation is key.
Think of dates as an occasional treat, not an everyday snack.
Stick to a few dates per chicken, a couple times a week max.
I give 2-3 dates per chicken just twice a week.
This controlled serving prevents problems from too much sugar.
Can Chickens Eat Pitted Dates?
One important note – only feed whole, unpitted dates to chickens.
Pitted dates can pose a choking hazard as chickens may swallow them whole.
The pits from unpitted dates are too large to be swallowed.
Chickens will simply eat the sweet date flesh and discard the pit.
Much safer!
I made the mistake of giving pitted dates once.
My girl Peggy almost choked trying to swallow it whole.
I panicked but luckily was able to pull the sticky date out of her throat just in time.
After that scare, I only feed unpitted dates.
The chickens nibble the flesh off and spit out the pits with no problem.
Try Hand-Feeding for Bonding Time
Hand-feeding dates is a great way to bond with your flock.
Chickens enjoy one-on-one personal attention.
And the sweet taste of dates will have them running to you for more!
Just lay the dates in your palm and let the chickens gently pick them off.
This allows monitoring how much they eat too.
Hand-feeding creates trust which is so important for a happy flock.
I like to sit in the coop with my girls and hand out dates.
They’ll hop right onto my lap to delicately nibble the treat.
It’s a nice way to spend time together and show them love.
Offer Dates as Part of a Balanced Diet
In the end, moderation and variety are key when treating chickens.
Medjool dates are a fine occasional snack but should not become a diet staple.
For optimal nutrition, feed chickens a balanced diet of commercial feed, fresh fruits and veggies, grains, protein sources like mealworms, and calcium supplements.
Rotate different healthy treats to keep things interesting!
Following these tips, feel free to toss your flock a few sweet medjool dates.
And enjoy watching them gobble up this tasty fruit.
Just be careful not to get your fingers nipped!
I like to mix up treats – a few dates one day, some spinach the next, maybe some watermelon later in the week.
This keeps the chickens excited for treat time and provides variety.
As long as treats are given in moderation as part of a complete diet, chickens can safely enjoy yummy medjool dates!
Wash Dates Before Feeding to Chickens
It’s important to wash medjool dates before feeding them to chickens.
Dates can harbor bacteria like salmonella or e.coli from contaminates during growing, harvest, or storage.
You don’t want to risk passing any foodborne illness to your flock.
Simply rinse the dates thoroughly under cool running water and pat them dry with a paper towel.
Washing removes most dirt and debris that may carry germs.
Feed your chickens only clean, fresh dates for their health and safety.
I like to wash dates right before feeding them.
Sometimes I’ll wash a whole container at once if I know I’ll use them within a few days.
It only takes a minute or two to wash and your chickens will benefit.
Cut Large Dates to Prevent Choking
Some medjool dates can be quite large, over an inch long.
Dates that big may present a choking risk for smaller breeds of chickens.
To play it safe, cut any extra large dates in half before feeding.
This makes them easier to consume and safer for any size chicken.
Use a pair of clean kitchen scissors or shears to slice the date lengthwise.
Cutting large dates also allows you to inspect for pit fragments which can cause internal injury.
So inspect dates and cut any exceptionally big ones for safety.
My small bantam hens can’t handle those monster dates whole.
Halving them gives the bantams access to this yummy fruit without worry.
Monitor For Allergic Reactions
On rare occasions, chickens may be allergic to certain foods.
Allergies cause immune reactions resulting in symptoms like diarrhea, swelling, and breathing issues.
While medjool dates are considered safe for chickens, allergies can happen.
When feeding a new food, watch closely for any abnormal responses.
Discontinue the food immediately at the first sign of an allergic reaction.
Symptoms usually resolve on their own once the trigger food is removed.
If symptoms persist, consult an avian veterinarian for evaluation and treatment.
I like to give new treats in the morning so I can monitor the flock all day.
Thankfully none of my girls have reacted badly to medjool dates!
Avoid Dates Grown with Pesticides
Always try to select organically grown medjool dates when possible.
Conventionally grown dates may be treated with pesticides during cultivation.
Chemical residues can remain on and in the fruits.
Feeding pesticide-laced fruits to chickens introduces toxins into their systems.
Over time, this chemical exposure can damage health and egg quality.
So make the effort to source organic dates for your flock.
At the very least, wash conventional dates very well before feeding.
Though washing helps remove some residues, organic is still best.
I only buy organic dates from the farmer’s market for my girls.
It’s worth the extra cost for wholesome treats.
Monitor Intake of High-Fat Fruits Like Dates
While healthy, dates are high in natural sugars and fat.
About half the calories in dates come from fat.
The mono- and polyunsaturated fat is generally healthy.
But chickens prone to obesity may need intake monitored.
Obese chickens are at risk for fatty liver disease and other problems.
For plump hens, restrict high-fat treats like dates, nuts, and avocados.
Increase exercise opportunities to balance their diet.
My silkie Clara loves treats a little too much, so I need to limit her dates.
Her sister Stella remains slim and active, so enjoys treats more freely.
Know your flock and adjust date feeding accordingly.