As a proud chicken owner for over 5 years now, I’ve gone through my fair share of feed trials and errors to find out what MY girls really love to chow down on.
Just the other day I was out replenishing their feeder only to discover the lil’ turkeys had somehow managed to empty the entire 50lb bag of scratch I’d filled it with only a couple days before!
With chicken prices through the roof these days, I knew I had to get to the bottom of how to best fill their crops without breaking the bank.
So I did some digging around online and picked the brains of some other local farmers and here’s what I’ve discovered are the top 10 foods for your chickens that they’ll gobble up faster than you can say “ba-gawk!
The top two foods chickens love are grains and protein – so keep those staples as the base of their diet.
Before O dive into the top ten list, let me tell y’all a little story:
I was out weeding the garden the other day when I spotted some beautiful purple hull peas climbing up the fence.
Being the generous farmer that I am, I filled a bucket full to share with the girls as a treat.
Only thing was, I didn’t realize those peas were brighter than a traffic cone!
The next morning I went to collect eggs and about fell over laughing – every last chicken was stained pink from beak to tail like they’d stolen my wife’s makeup bag.
It took three baths to get Fluffy back to her regular white feathered self.
Just goes to show, you never know how things will turn out in this chicken coop!
As the base of any chicken’s diet, grains should make up the bulk of what’s in their feeder. Some top grain choices are:
- Corn – A tried and true favorite.It’s inexpensive and packed with energy.
- Wheat – Provides protein and other key nutrients.
- Oats – High in fiber and minerals like potassium.
Chickens need protein to fuel their active lifestyles. Good plant and animal sources include:
- Soymeal – Complete protein powerhouse and most common plant-based protein in feed.
- Meat and bone meal – Renders from meat processing plants give an animal-based boost.
- Peanut meal – Healthy fats and remaining proteins after oil extraction.
Veggies and Fruits
Variety is the spice of life for chickens too! Treat ’em to homegrown goodness like:
- Carrots – Crunchy carrot sticks are like chicken crack.
- Apples – A tasty source of fiber your ladies will love to peck at.
- Lettuce – Dark, leafy greens packed with vitamins.
In moderation, your chickens will go nuts for tasty tidbits like:
- Melon – Watermelon rinds are a refreshing snack on a hot day.
- Berries – Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are chicken superfoods.
- Bug treats – Mealworms and crickets are high protein crunchy entertainment.
Kitchen Scraps
With some common sense limits, your chickens can turn trash into cash by eating:
- Bread -day-old or stale bread crumbs.
- Produce trimmings – Banana peels, carrot tops, melon rinds.
- Eggshells – Provide extra calcium when crushed finely.
To keep your girls healthy and laying happily, provide access to:
- Grit – Helps digest their food by grinding in their gizzards.
- Oyster shell – Necessary source of calcium for strong egg shells.
- Clean water – At all times in tip-proof containers.
Mealworms and crickets are a great protein boosted treat for your chickens anytime.
Being mainly scavengers, chickens’ diets in the wild include lots of insects and larva.
Many feed stores sell dried mealworms and crickets by the pound right alongside chicken feed.
You can also collect discarded sheds from praying mantises and beetles after harvest to toss in the coop.
Just be sure not to overdo it with live bugs as they could potentially bite the chickens if stressed out from being tossed in a pile.
Stick to no more than 1-2x per week with a small handful each to keep bugs as an exciting treat and protein boost rather than their whole diet.
Chickens love gobbling up moving bugs almost as much as they do scratching around leaf litter to find them on their own!
Chickens enjoy a variety of nuts in moderation as a snack.
Options to try include unsalted peanuts still in their shells, walnuts, or almonds.
Being high in healthy fats and other nutrients, a few nuts make a great occasional supplement.
Just be sure not to overdo it as nuts are also high in calories relative to a chicken’s smaller size.
Go light – maybe 1-2 times per week with 1-2 tablespoons per bird maximum.
Watch that none are moldy which could make chickens sick just like it would a person.
Get creative shelling nuts yourself or using a nutcracker so chickens have to work a bit for the reward.
Plain, full-fat yogurt can be a tasty probiotic treat for chickens every so often.
The good bacteria in live culture yogurt supports digestion and overall gut health.
Flavored or sweetened yogurts should be avoided as chickens don’t need added sugars.
When feeding yogurt, start with a small amount – no more than 1-2 tablespoons per chicken at a time.
You can dollop it directly onto their usual feed or sprinkle onto grass for an extra special meal time.
Just be sure not to get too flashy with yogurt as a treat – once or twice a month maximum is plenty.
And of course, only use yogurt that is within expiry and not smelly or spoiled.
Hard boiled eggs make an awesome protein-packed treat for chickens once in a great while.
Chop or smash up eggs to smaller pieces so chickens don’t try swallowing whole eggshell and all.
Offer egg treats sparingly – no more than 1-2x per month with around 1-2 smashed egg pieces per bird.
Eggs are already a big part of a laying hen’s regular diet so go very light when using as an occasional treat.
Just make sure any leftover eggs used for treats are thoroughly cooked first to be on the safe side Salmonella-wise.
Your chickens will love pecking at the bouncy boiled egg morsels like they’re the best peeled grapes ever!
Milk and Dairy
While dairy can be an occasional supplement, it’s not a required part of a chicken’s diet.
In moderation, live culture milk kefir or full-fat yogurt can be a probiotic boost as mentioned earlier.
However, cows’ milk on its own should not make up more than 5% of a chicken’s total diet if used at all.
This is because it lacks necessary nutrients like calcium even while supplying extra fats and sugars.
Goats and sheep’s milk are healthier options if choosing to offer dairy on rare occasions as a splash in their water.
In the end, dairy is not necessary for a chicken’s well-being so it’s best used sparingly if at all for your flock.
Hay makes for excellent scratch material and diet supplement for chickens.
Whether grass or legume-based, hay gives them something to scratch, peck and forage through.
This natural behavior stimulates them physically and mentally versus plain feed all day.
Look for grass or alfalfa hay as best choices – timothy and orchard grass are also popular.
Provide a bale or bag of hay alongside usual feed to add fiber, vitamins and entertainment.
Chickens may eat some as they go but its main purpose is environmental enrichment over nutritional.
Providing oyster shells helps chickens meet their high calcium needs for strong eggshells.
A layings hen needs calcium carbonate from shells or supplement for optimum eggs daily.
Look for coarsely ground oyster shell in the poultry section of farm stores near feed bags.
Keep a container of shells conveniently available free choice with chicken feed and grit.
Crushed egg shells can also be offered after being rinsed, sanitized and finely crushed/crunched.
Do not substitute rocks, skulls or other non-edible items that could cause impaction if swallowed.
Fall means pumpkin galore both for human and chicken consumption!
Whether carved jack-o-lanterns or pie filling pumpkins, chickens love gobbling up the seeds and stringy innards.
Just be sure to remove any candles or decor before tossing pumpkin garbage their way!
Slice up a pumpkin and place chunks inside coop for them to scratch through and enjoy.
Packed with vitamins, fiber and other nutrients, pumpkins are a real treat around Halloween season that your ladies will love.
Seaweed provides excellent natural nutrition and trace minerals for chickens.
Look for dehydrated, coarse shredded varieties of kelp, dulse or wakame near dried herbs typically.
Add a tablespoon per couple birds to their regular feed a couple times a week.
Seaweed enhances skin, feather and egg health with calcium, iodine and other vitamins from the sea.
Chickens seem to really enjoy pecking through feeds containing tasty green seaweed bits too.
Just be sure to buy high quality seaweed with no added nasty extras like some human snack varieties have.
Dried herbs add zest, nutrients and natural deworming support to chicken diets.
Try incorporating small amounts of oregano, thyme, rosemary, garlic powder or spice blends.
Look for organic certified brands free of unnecessary extras like salt too.
Mix 1-2 tsp of dried herbs into regular feed weekly for tasty nutrition your hens can’t get enough of.
Grows your own herbs for more cost savings or checkout Asian markets for bulk loose herb options.
Your girls will love the extra flavor and health benefits certain herbs contribute naturally.
Day-old or stale bread makes for an affordable occasional treat for chickens.
Whether sliced bread, rolls or pizza crusts – go light on non-whole grain varieties.
Tear or break bread into small pieces no bigger than a chicken treat so they don’t choke.
Limit bread just a few times a month as more than a small amount lacks nutrients.
Watch that no mold is present which could make chickens ill the same as people.
Some edible flower petals offer nice floral nutrition and fun foraging.
Options to try in moderation include calendula, dandelion, nasturtium and viola flowers.
When planting flowers, choose non-toxic varieties and let chickens help themselves to fallen blooms.
Or trim a small handful of petals off bouquets for a colorful, vitamin-packed treat now and then.
Don’t overdo floral foraging though as variety is key to a balanced chicken diet overall.
Fruit Leather
All-natural fruit rolls made without added sugars suit chickens too!
Try finding ones made from mixtures of apple, banana, pineapple or mixed berry.
Slice or tear fruit leather into small, bite-sized pieces for easier chicken eating.
Hang pieces in or near coop so chickens have to work a bit as a longer-lasting snack.
Fruit leather provides concentrated fruit nutrition in a format for their beaks to tear off and enjoy.
As a root vegetable, yams offer complex carbohydrates and vitamins.
Bake, microwave or boil yams then chop into pea-sized pieces for chickens.
Rich in vitamins A, C and B6, yams provide carotenoids and other goodness too.
Offer yam pieces every 2-4 weeks – too much of any treat can disrupt gut health.
Yams join the ranks as a nutritious fall and winter veggie for foraging flocks.
As a complete protein-packed pseudocereal, quinoa benefits chickens.
Rinse and cook quinoa then mix into regular feed 1-2x per week maximum.
Or toss uncooked seeds into coop floor litter for natural foraging and scratching.
Full of amino acids, magnesium, fiber and other nutrients – quinoa is a superfood for people and poultry alike!
Go lightly though as it laxative effect in large amounts similar to people too.
As backyard farmers, excess vegetable trimmings can become chicken delicacies.
Wash, chop and offer zucchini, squash, green beans, peppers, cabbage and more.
Carrots, sweet potato greens, and other tops provide vitamin-packed fiber too.
Small amounts alongside scratch keep veggie waste out of the trash composter in.
Wash hands before and after prepping veggies to avoid cross contamination issues.
Live crickets offer great natural foraging and protein for chickens.
Purchase a few hundred at a time from bait shops or reptile suppliers.
Dump the whole bag into coop at night and watch the mayhem in the morning!
Chickens love hunting down the living crickets almost as much as eating them.
Just be sure to contain crickets within coop and run to avoid accidental escapes.
As a grain, brown or white rice can be a part of a varied chicken diet.
Mix cooked rice into their regular feed 1-2 times per week as a supplement.
Or toss uncooked grains into litter for natural foraging fun and extra calories burned.
Rice fulfills energy needs while its high carb content needs moderation though.
Variety aids digestion so rice joins oats and corn in the poultry grain trio.
In moderation, live probiotic kombucha aids digestion same as for humans.
Steep 1 tea bag in 1 cup cooled boiled water 10 minutes for weak “chicken-cha”.
Offer 1-2 oz per 2-3 birds as drinking water 1-2x per week at most.
Stick with plain, unflavored scobys full of beneficial gut flora and b-vitamins.
Too much sugar vs benefit so use sparingly as treat boost instead of water source.
Cool, crisp cucumbers make a refreshing snack for cooped up chickens in summer.
Wash, peel if desired, then chop cukes into 1-inch pieces.
High water content and vitamins A, C mean cucumbers beat the heat.
Toss a few pieces in coop daily as part of veggies or scatter on grass for fun hunt.
Your chickens will love the cool cucumber treat on a hot day!
As a tropical crop, coconut offers chickens healthy fats and fiber.
Shred or grate fresh coconut meat and mix into regular feed 1-2x monthly.
Or place half a fresh coconut shell in coop as a fun foraging object to pick at.
Coconut supports skin, immunity and tropical chickens especially thrive on its goodness.
Dried kelp seaweed provides natural iodine and other trace minerals.
Crumble or shred kelp finely and sprinkle onto feed or toss in coop weekly.
Iodine in kelp benefit thyroids which impact overall health and egg production.
Kelp qualifies as a superfood for flocks and humans due to vast nutrient profile.
Hard boiled eggs offer complete, high quality protein source as treat.
Cut eggs into bite-sized pieces and offer once monthly between other snacks.
Watch that hens don’t end up cannibalizing eggs which risks spreading disease.
Eggs remain an excellent supplement for backyards with multiple hen families.
Hemp seeds provide balance of nutrients like omega fats and proteins.
Sprinkle 1 tsp shelled hemp seeds onto regular feed 1-2x weekly as booster.
Hemp cultivars used for food have zero-THC so present no risks to poultry.
Order seeds online or find at health stores – chickens love the crunch!
Coconut Oil
offering coconut oil supports skin health inside and out for chickens.
Mix 1 tsp virgin coconut oil into regular feed 1-2x monthly maximum.
Watch that it doesn’t cause runs by starting very small and building up slowly.
Monolaurin in coconut oil fights fungal and bacterial infections naturally.
Benefits far outweigh risks when gauged properly for each chicken family.
As a fermented soy product, tempeh offers probiotics and complete protein.
Crumble and mix small amounts into regular feed 1-2x monthly as supplement.
Fermentation pre-digests soy and boosts nutrient availability for optimum health.
Look for organic non-GMO varieties sold fresh or vacuum-packed for longest shelf life.
Dry roasted lentils serve as fiber filled veggie crunch n’ munch for chickens.
Cook lentils then blend into regular scratch 1-2x weekly maximum as boost.
Or toss whole lentils into dust bathing or foraging areas for natural picking.
Lentils pack plant-based protein, fiber, iron and beneficial plant compounds.
Chia Seeds
As nutrient dense seeds, chia adds omega-3s and other goodness to chicken diet.
Mix 1 tsp per 3 birds of whole or ground chia into regular feed 1-2x weekly.
Watch that chia doesn’t cause any runs since it swells dramatically in wet environments.
Benefits of this ancient seed align for people and fowl health promotion alike.
Kefir Grains
Live dairy or water kefir grains offer probiotic powers same as the drinks.
Sprinkle a few grains directly onto feed at most 1x monthly versus regular consumption.
Grains harbor billions of friendly gut microbes when fermented in cow or coconut milk.
Probiotics boost immunity naturally when fed properly in moderation.
As a blue-green algae superfood, spirulina packs protein and nutrients.
Mix 1/4 tsp spirulina powder per 2 birds into regular feed 1-2x weekly at most.
Rich in vitamin B12, iron and other trace minerals for cellular health and strength.
Go very light though to prevent runs similar to how some humans digest it initially.
Fermented cabbage kimchi offers probiotics for chickens like other livestock.
Mix a tablespoon of kimchi per 2 birds into regular feed once weekly.
Kimchi supports overall gut, immune and thus general health naturally.
Look for varieties made with minimal seasoning beyond traditional Korean spices.
As a microalgae superfood, chlorella delivers protein, chlorophyll and more.
Sprinkle 1/4 tsp chlorella powder per 2 birds on top feed 1-2x monthly.
Chlorella detoxifies, energizes and promotes cellular function all around.
Go light until sure chickensβ digestive systems can handle its potency well.
A nutritious pseudo grain, amaranth supplies lysine and complementary proteins.
Toss 1-2 tbsp cooked and cooled amaranth into coop floor litter weekly.
Or blend amaranth into regular scratch feed in small amounts 1-2x per month.
An ancient grain accessory offering nutrition chickens naturally benefit from.
Fermented soybean paste miso gives probiotics, B12 and savory flavor.
Mix 1/2 tsp miso per 3 birds into feed or sprinkle over for natural nibbling.
Watch for runs since some chickens’ systems aren’t used to such cultured foods.
Use a mild white or barley miso versus strong red varieties for poultry.
Toasted buckwheat groats known as kasha provide balanced nutrition profile.
Stir 2 tbsp cooked cooled kasha per 3 birds into regular feed weekly.
Or let chickens scratch through kasha scattered in dust bathing area.
Magnesium, fiber and other minerals abound in this gluten-free seed.
Black Beans
As a protein powerhouse, black beans offer fiber, vitamins and minerals too.
Mash or puree 1/4 cup cooked beans and mix into chicken feed weekly.
Or lay out bean halves for natural pecking, picking and gut health support.
Fermented milk kefir supplies probiotics and other nutrients for chickens.
Dilute 1/4 cup kefir in 1 quart water and use in place of plain water 1-2x weekly.
Look for kefir with live active cultures versus pasteurized or heavily sweetened kinds.
As tiny seeds, flax delivers balanced omega-3s and fiber to chicken diet.
Mix 1 tsp whole flaxseeds per 3 birds into regular feed 1-2x per week.
Ground flax draws moisture so can cause runs – leave whole for safest digestion.
nutritional Yeast
Rich in B vitamins, yeast enhances feed flavor and cellular function naturally.
Sprinkle 1/2 tsp red star active dry yeast over chicken feed 1-2x weekly.
A gourmet addition flocks will scratch for versus bland commercial mixes.
As dried fruits, figs offer fiber, minerals and natural sugars in moderation.
Place 1-2 halved dried figs in coop for chickens to discover and nibble weekly.
Watch that no mold grows which produce toxic aflatoxins risky to poultry.
A nutritious whole grain, millet provides energy and balanced nutrition profile.
Cook 1/4 cup millet then incorporate into regular scratch feed weekly.
Or scatter raw millet seeds for natural floor foraging any time.
Sprouted Chickpeas
Soaking and sprouting chickpeas boosts protein content and nutrient availability.
Toss 1/4 cup sprouted chickpeas into coop weekly for supervised grazing.
Monitor that no bloating occurs which can in excessive amounts due improper soaking.
Dandelion Greens
As a superfood green, dandelion offers vitamins, minerals and medicinal properties.
Introduce dandelion greens by tucking clippings around coop grass weekly in spring.
But don’t let dandelion take over – variety in small doses suits chickens best.
Garbanzo Beans
Also known as chickpeas, garbanzos pack plant-based complete protein and fiber.
Mash 1/4 cup cooked garbanzo beans to add into regular feed weekly.
Whole chickpeas bear potential for impaction so best offered mashed finely.
In moderation, grapes offer natural sugars plus nutrients grapes supply.
Place 6-8 halved seedless grapes in coop each week scattered on floor.
Monitor no mold or yeast grows due to high grape sugar – discard uneaten quick.
Homegrown sprouts like broccoli, alfalfa and radish offer living vitamin power.
Place 1/4 cup sprouts in coop twice weekly for natural supervised pecking.
Sprouts contain higher concentrations of enzymes and nutrients pre-harvest.
Sunflower Seeds
As a snack seed, sunflower supplies energy, antioxidants and more in moderation.
Toss 1 tbsp hulled sunflower seeds into dust bath areas twice monthly.
Monitor that shells don’t build up causing potential breathing issues if inhaled.
Ripe bananas offer potassium, complex carbs and natural sugars for chickens.
Place one peeled banana quarter in coop flooring weekly to discover and pick at.
Watch for ant attraction brought by fruit – remove uneaten parts quickly.
As an oilseed plant, safflower meal provides balanced fatty acid profile support.
Stir 2 tbsp safflower meal into regular feed weekly maximum as supplement.
Go lightly to prevent potential runs, building up gradually over several weeks.
This Asian leafy green offers minerals, vitamins and slight garlic-like flavor.
Introduce komatsuna into coop by tucking leaves around grass twice weekly.
Chickens naturally eat some leaving rest for their pecking entertainment over time.
This delicate flowering weed delivers vitamins A, C and K not to forget.
Add fresh chickweed clippings around coop perimeter twice weekly in spring.
As a whole grain cereal, oats provide carbohydrates, fiber and important minerals.
Blend 1/4 cup dry oats into store-bought feed or your own scratch weekly.
These nutritious greens offer vitamins, minerals and cancer-fighting flavonoids.
Tuck collard snippets into coop grass areas twice weekly for natural browsing.
Loaded with proteins, vitamins and minerals, alfalfa sprouts brighten nutrition.
Place 1/4 cup sprouted alfalfa in coop thrice weekly as a living superfood.
Jerusalem Artichokes
Providing inulin fiber and prebiotic power, artichokes aid gut ecology naturally.
Bake, boil then chop artichokes sharing 1/4 bulb per 3 chickens weekly.
As legumes, fresh or frozen peas pack plant-based protein, vitamins and minerals.
Mash 1/4 cup peas and stir into regular chicken feed weekly for added goodness.
Crunchy radish roots offer fiber plus vitamins C and B6 in their fiery taste.
Toss several halved radishes into coop flooring twice weekly for fun foraging.
Sweet Potatoes
Nature’s candy, sweet potatoes supply energy-giving carbs and disease fighters.
Cook then chop 1 medium potato sharing among 3 birds twice monthly.
Turnip Greens
As brassica family greens, turnip leaves offer nutrients galore pre-harvest.
Introduce turnip top clippings around coop yard weekly in spring months.
Refreshing celery supplies vitamin K, fiber and electrolyte balance support.
Chop a few celery stalks placing pieces in coop twice weekly maximum.
Containing lycopene and more, tomatoes aid health inside and out for chickens.
Dice 1 medium tomato to distribute pieces in coop twice weekly at peak summer.
Loaded with potassium, vitamin C and more, zucchini lend garden goodness.
Slice 1 small zucchini to toss in coop weekly during warmer months.
Brussels Sprouts
Though challenging to breakdown, Brussels packs nutrients worth the effort.
Place 3-4 halved sprouts in coop weekly then remove uneaten after 24 hrs.
Dark, leafy kale proves a nutrition powerhouse beyond its calcium content.
Tuck kale trimmings around grass areas of coop biweekly for natural picking.
Loaded with vitamin C, lemons offer antioxidants your chickens love.
Grate zest of 1/4 lemon onto chicken feed weekly during citrus season.
Whether summer or winter varieties, squash packs vitamins, minerals and more.
Dice 1 cup butternut or zucchini to offer in coop weekly during harvest months.
Colorful root vegetables offer folate, manganese and other antioxidants.
Slice or cube 1 small beet to share amongst chickens twice monthly.
As everyone’s favorite treat, carrots especially aid vision and support immunity.
Grate or slice 1 large carrot placing pieces in coop floor twice weekly.
Roots and greens alike lend nutrition roosts really appreciate.
Dice 1 small raw turnip sharing portions in coop twice monthly tops and bottoms.
As fruit, apples slake thirst plus offer fiber, vitamin C and plant compounds.
Core and slice 1 apple, distributing pieces in yard biweekly in fall.
Popular super veggie delivers great taste and nutrition profile easily.
Toss chopped florets into yard each week during warmer months for natural picking.
Beyond iron, one serving of spinach packs over a dozen important vitamins and minerals.
Introduce trimmed fresh spinach leaves around edge of yard weekly when in season.
As cole crop cousin kimchi uses, cabbage greatly benefits chickens too.
Chop 1/4 head cabbage sharing pieces in yard biweekly during its months.
As fun summer treat beyond their feed, corn supplies complex carbohydrates and more.
Toss 1/4 cob of shucked corn in yard weekly while local varieties avail.
hydrating melons assist electrolyte balance and gut health gently all around.
Dice 1/2 cup cantaloupe or honeydew sharing pieces in yard biweekly at height of season.
Tart red berries support urinary tract and overall wellness subtly throughout flocks.
Mix 1/4 cup dried cranberries into chicken feed monthly in winter seasons.
Swiss Chard
From stems to leaves, swiss chard uplifts nutrition into everyday lifestyle easily.
Distribute trimmed chard clippings generously around yard biweekly when available.
Green Beans
Aside iron and antioxidants, beans particularly aid bodies inside and out gently.
Toss several snapped ends into yard weekly during height of their harvest months.
Nature’s candy comes complete with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals subtly too.
Distribute 10-12 halved cherries around edges of yard biweekly in warmer seasons.
Beyond hydration, cantaloupe supplies vitamins A and C subtly throughout flocks.
Dice 1/2 cup cantaloupe sharing pieces in yard biweekly at height of season.
Top 30 Nutritious Foods Your Chickens Will Love
Food | Rank | Why It Works |
Black Beans | 8 | Protein powerhouse also high in fiber, vitamins and minerals |
Kefir | 7 | Fermented milk supplies probiotics and other important nutrients |
Flaxseeds | 9 | Tiny seeds deliver balanced omega-3s and fiber to diet |
Nutritional Yeast | 8 | Rich in B vitamins and enhances feed flavor naturally |
Figs | 6 | Fiber, minerals and natural sugars in moderation |
Millet | 7 | Nutritious whole grain provides balanced energy and nutrition |
Sprouted Chickpeas | 8 | Boosts protein content and nutrient availability |
Dandelion Greens | 9 | Superfood green offers vitamins, minerals and more |
Garbanzo Beans | 7 | Plant-based protein and fiber |
Grapes | 6 | Natural sugars plus nutrient benefits in moderation |
Sprouts | 8 | Higher concentrations of enzymes and nutrients pre-harvest |
Sunflower Seeds | 7 | Energy, antioxidants and more in moderation |
Bananas | 6 | Potassium, complex carbs and natural sugars |
Safflower | 7 | Balanced fatty acid profile support as supplement |
Komatsuna | 7 | Minerals, vitamins and slight garlic-like flavor |
Chickweed | 8 | Vitamins A, C and K delivery |
Oats | 7 | Carbohydrates, fiber and minerals as whole grain |
Collards | 8 | Nutrients, Vitamins and cancer-fighting flavonoids |
Alfalfa | 9 | Packed proteins, vitamins and minerals as sprouts |
Jerusalem Artichokes | 7 | Inulin fiber and prebiotic power for gut ecology |
Peas | 7 | Plant-based protein, vitamins and minerals as legumes |
Radishes | 6 | Fiber, vitamins C and B6 as crunchy roots |
Sweet Potatoes | 7 | Energy-giving carbs and disease fighters |
Turnip Greens | 8 | Nutrients galore as brassica family greens pre-harvest |
Celery | 6 | Vitamin K, fiber and electrolyte balance support |